Summer of Play

Summer of Play Image

Dundee families are being offered a Summer of Play to help them through the six weeks of school holidays. 

Schools are sending details directly to families, and you can find out what is available in your local area by clicking on this link 

Activities on offer include: 

  • Outdoor adventure days including mountain biking, gorge walking, rock climbing, abseiling, paddle boarding 
  • Sports including football camps and dance camps, family orienteering days, multi-sports camps 
  • Swimming – intensive swim lessons 
  • Early years lots of fun activities for families with babies and early years children such as boogie babies, messy play, baby massage, baby yoga 
  • Out of School Care holiday camps, community centre activities, loose parts play/ art workshops, community days for all the family, holiday gardening clubs, family food and fun in local communities 
  • Additional Support Needs/Disabilities. Continuing on from last summer the city has supporting inclusion for children with ASN/disabilities. This includes provision at Kingspark School, The Yard, Barnardo’s, Dundee United Community Trust Para camps 
  • A number of schools in partnership with third sector organisations and council services continue to provide support during summer holidays 
  • Some activities will also be offering free food from our partnership with Dundee Bairns. Consideration is given to tackling food insecurity and promoting healthy eating 

Assistance is also being targeted and focused to where it is most needed through the use of Scottish Government funding. 

Dundee City Council leader Councillor John Alexander said: “For the third summer running, with support from the Scottish Government, Dundee partners are delivering a superb programme of events for families during the long summer break. 

“As the cost of living crisis continues to make life more challenging for an increasing number of families, this programme offers real help across a range of fun and engaging activities. 

“I would like to thank everyone who is involved, as it demonstrates the partnership efforts that operate across this city to help local families.” 

Children and families convener Stewart Hunter added: “This programme will be a real benefit for families across Dundee. It builds on the work we have being carrying out to cut the cost of the school day, as we realise the challenges that families are facing.” 

The Summer of Play website includes links to activities which are organised by Leisure & Culture Dundee.




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