Data Helps Improve Council Performance

Data Helps Improve Council Performance Image

Data which is being used to help improve Dundee City Council’s performance will be outlined to councillors on Monday (May 15). 

The policy & resources committee will consider analysis of the Local Government Benchmarking Framework Performance Indicators for 2021-22. 

In the report, measures covering council service areas are detailed and compared with similar councils across Scotland, based on factors like deprivation and urban density.

 Highlights in improvements for Dundee include: 

  • Indicators relating to P1,4,7 show Dundee closing the attainment gap in literacy and numeracy are consistently better than the average of similar urban councils. 
  • The percentage of pupils from the most deprived areas getting 5+ awards at SCQF level 5 have doubled from 25% in 2011 to 50% in 2022. 
  • Dundee has more than double the amount of land ready for employment development and higher than average business start-ups from its business gateway and less people than average earning less than the living wage. 
  • Dundee City Council’s percentage procurement with local companies is higher than the average.  

Committee convener and council leader Councillor John Alexander said: “This data is important to analyse where we have done well and could do better. 

“While there are improvements across many of the areas of our services, we are certainly not complacent and are well aware that there are aspects of our performance that need to be enhanced. 

“This report shows the range of council services covering all aspects of people’s lives and where we are intervening to make a difference.                        

 “This report helps us to shape services for the future and also restates our commitment to continuous improvement. We also make all of the data available to the public so that people can see how the council is performing for themselves.” 

Information about benchmarking data can be found on the Dundee Performs webpages here

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