Football parking

Football parking Image

CHANGES TO waiting restrictions around the city’s two senior football grounds allowing residents to park near their homes on match days could be introduced in time for the start of next season.

A consultation with people living near Dens and Tannadice supported allowing residents in a defined area surrounding the grounds to be exempted from parking restrictions which are applied to other vehicles on event days

Now councillors will be told that the formal process of drafting and consulting on a Traffic Order which allows residents better access and provides for coach parking bays on both sides of Fairbairn Street between Neish Street and Arklay Street has been completed and they will be asked for approval for it to be introduced.

Mark Flynn convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee said: “While this has taken some time to get to this point it is important that with such a complex scheme which impacts so many people - residents and football supporters, that we don’t score an own goal.

“There have been a number of statutory processes that have had to be gone through, but with the completion of this last part of the procedure we are close to the final whistle.

“It will do away with the need for cones to be put out on match days and instead introduce permanent signage on the streets covered by the new restrictions.

“Residents will be able to apply for a free exemption which will allow them to park and drive in the streets when there is a game on. Blue badge holders will also be exempt, but anyone who does not have an exemption and is parked in the zone on while the match is being played is likely to get a parking ticket.”

The proposed match day scheme covers an area bounded by Dens Road, Caird Avenue, Clepington Road, Court Street North and Arklay Street and includes around 1400 properties.

An order banning parking would come into effect on match days but resident permit holders, emergency services, utility companies, GPs, funeral cars, supporters’ coaches and blue badge holders would still be able to use the streets.

Under the scheme parking attendants will have “an allow-list” to identify vehicles that are permitted to be within the area when matches are being played.  A physical permit is not proposed to be issued, or required to be displayed by residents who have registered for and been granted an exemption.

The city development committee will consider the Traffic Order on Monday (May 15).

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