Bike storage boost

Bike storage boost Image

A PAIR of projects running in tandem is delivering a huge boost to the number of places people can park and store their bikes in Dundee.

Work is almost complete on creating cycle and sheltered cycle parking in 29, mostly city centre, locations with activity underway on 40 storage units, focussed on some of the city’s most deprived areas.

Mark Flynn convener of Dundee City council’s city development committee said: “As somewhere with the lowest levels of bike ownership in Scotland, we also have a high proportion of our population living in properties with limited space for cycle storage.

“Without doubt these things are connected and an important part of getting more people onto two wheels is providing somewhere safe for them to store their bikes when they’re not being used.”

Cllr Kevin Cordell city cycling spokesperson added: “Bike parking and storage is a vital part of the cycling infrastructure in any community, and makes cycling a more straightforward proposition.

“By ensuring we are moving towards addressing the needs of cyclists in a holistic way we are making it easier and easier for people to choose to use their bikes.”

A programme of cycle parking delivered by Tayside Contracts at a cost of £56,000 also includes five shelters at Hilltown Park, Craigie St, Dundee Bus Station and the Strathmartine Road shops as well as new accessible racks in Dundee Railway Station shelter.

Cyclehoop Ltd are beginning the roll out of secure on street bike storage as part of a recently approved £225,000 scheme.

The bike hangar units will provide six accessible lockable, weather resistant cycle parking spaces on racks designed to park and secure all types of bicycles with a wide range of wheel sizes. It can also be adapted for non-standard versions including cargo bikes and trikes.

Alongside a refundable £25 key deposit Cyclehoop will charge £3 per space per month to cover the management and pre-planned maintenance of the scheme.

Anthony Lau, Cyclehoop founder and design director said: “We’re thrilled to be working with Dundee City Council to launch their bike hangar scheme.

“The units provide six secure, weather-proof spaces for bikes and support everyday cycling journeys because cycle parking helps make cycling the obvious choice and also can reduce the number of journeys made by car”.

The council will retain ownership of the storage units and provide a small number of parking spaces to accommodate them.

Work has started on the programme of introducing storage in 40 locations in most council wards.

Funding for the scheme has come from Dundee City Council, the Air Quality Action Plan Grant and the Cycling Friendly Social Housing Partnership Fund.

Paul Downie, programme manager at Cycling Scotland said: “A lack of safe and easily accessible cycle storage is one of the biggest barriers to people owning and using a bike.

“As such, we’re very pleased to have worked closely with Dundee City Council to help fund fairer access to secure cycle storage for Dundee residents, a key step in enabling more people to cycle and choose an affordable and sustainable way to travel for everyday journeys.”

Anyone interested in renting a space in one of the hangars should visit the Cyclehoop website at

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