Resignation of Independent Chair of ADP

Resignation of Independent Chair of ADP Image

John Wyllie, independent chair of the Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership, has informed partners of his intention to resign for personal reasons.

He will continue to lead the ADP until the end of this month.

The former senior police officer helped launch the ADP’s five-year strategy in January and partners are stressing that progress continues to be made in the campaign to cut the harm caused by drugs and alcohol in the city.

A spokesperson for Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership explained; "We have been informed by John Wyllie of his intention to resign as independent chair of Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership for personal reasons.

"John has provided excellent leadership to the ADP since his appointment last year. We would like to thank John for his contribution to the work of the ADP, which included the launch of the five-year strategy earlier this year.

"Dundee multi-agency partners continue to be committed to taking this long-term strategy forward to reduce drug and alcohol related harm and deaths in the city.

"John will continue to lead the ADP until the end of March, at which point interim arrangements for chairing of the ADP will be put into place as a matter of urgency." 

Since the ADP launched its strategy in January, progress has already been made in a number of areas.

Through partnership working between Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DDARS) and the third sector organisations, work has been done to improve the experience of people using direct access clinics to access care and treatment. Independent advocacy services are now jointly staffing clinics that are available 4 days a week (3 drop-in clinics and 1 through appointment). People accessing clinics now have different opportunities to provide feedback about their experiences and this is helping to inform further improvements to the service.

Third sector services have now been appointed to support closer joined-up working with GP practices. Key workers based in the third sector are helping people to better understand the service available to them from GP Practices and decide whether or not they want to receive their care and support there rather than through DDARS. For those people who are already being supported through the two GP practices in the city who are part of this approach, key workers are helping to provide wrap around care and support to meet wider health and wellbeing needs.

Through a partnership between services in the third sector who support vulnerable women and drug and alcohol services a new approach is being tested based on learning from the existing non-fatal overdose rapid response and assertive outreach services. Services are working together to identify women who have unmet multiple and complex needs and planning innovative, personalised responses. The focus is on services working differently to engage vulnerable women.  

Dundee’s Residential Rehabilitation Pathway is now in place, being led by third sector services. Over 20 people have already been referred, with around half requiring support for drug use and half for alcohol use. Following a full assessment of their needs, some people will go on to access residential rehabilitation but for anyone where this is not suitable they will be fully supported to access alternative care and treatment that best meets their needs.

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