International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day 2023 Image

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity.

International Women's Day has been happening for over 100 years and aims to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

Marking the day, Dundee City Council Equalities Spokesperson Councillor Nadia El-Nakla encouraged citizens to get involved.

She said: “There's many things you can do on International Women's Day. You can celebrate women, whether it's your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your friends, whether it's those that stand on a global stage.

“You can celebrate the achievements, the successes of women, because we know that more barriers exist for women in Scotland and across the globe.

“We are doing wonderful initiatives like Oor Fierce Girls, which is a project to promote healthy relationships, tackle peer sexual abuse and challenge sexual harassment. We are supporting WASPI Women who are fighting for justice for all women born in the 1950s affected by the changes to the State Pension Age.

“Working with partners, the city has delivered the Bella Centre, which is the first ever female custodial unit. The Aberlour charity has opened the Mother and Child Recovery Unit.

“And that’s just to give some examples of what the city is doing to support women.

“We can also take today to reflect on what more needs to be done, for example in closing the gender pay gap. We as a Council are working hard to do that.

“And finally, we can take action and create the society we want to see. Get in touch and we can talk about how we can make Dundee, Scotland, the world of gender equality free of discrimination, free of stereotypes.”

Watch Cllr El-Nakla’s International Women’s Day video.

If you are experiencing sexual violence/domestic abuse or are at risk you can find support on the Dundee Violence Against Women Website.

Alternatively, you can contact Dundee’s Women’s Aid on 01382 207099, Women’s Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (WRSAC) on 01382 201291 or the Out of Hours service on 07821865661. If risk is happening now, call 999.

Additional support is also available for all men, women and children living in Dundee via the Protecting people in Dundee Website and the Domestic Abuse - Information for Women or Domestic Violence - Information for Men pages.

Find out more information on the International Women’s Day website.


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