Sustrans Funding

Sustrans Funding Image

A PAIR of city active travel schemes are among a list of recent projects to receive a funding boost from a charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle.

Sustrans have awarded Dundee City Council more than £740,000 to carry out detailed design work on the permanent pedestrianisation of Union Street and further design work on an accessible railway cycle crossing at Magdalen Green.

Mark Flynn convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee said: “This funding will ensure that active travel options for local residents, business owners and the community are designed in from the outset, encouraging permanent solutions that are safer, more attractive and inclusive.”

Launched as a pilot scheme in July 2020, the pedestrianisation of Union Street has since been made permanent after a survey found the move boosted trade and was popular with customers.

The project was supported by UNESCO City of Design Dundee who worked to ensure input from businesses influenced the changes and overall design.

These included using natural materials to create space for outdoor dining by installing wooden planters, maintained by Bonnie Dundee volunteers, and selecting bold, bright welcoming colours for the street mural.

New Sustrans funding of £302,000 has been secured to undertake detailed designs which will permanently transform Union Street. Concept designs will now be taken forward to the detailed stage that will include on-street trials and workshops with the community.

Meanwhile in July last year pedestrians, cyclists and local people who used Magdalen Green Footbridge to cross railway lines were asked for their views on a replacement for the current structure, which while safe has a short lifespan.

The results were used to help inform the funding application and future design phases for a new bridge and surrounding environment that will help improve accessibility and connectivity from the river esplanade to the West End.

Now, Sustrans has pledged £442,000 for the council to carry out that detailed design work and take it forward to tender stage.

Cllr Kevin Cordell, the council’s cycling spokesperson said: “This is a significant piece of infrastructure and key to cyclists being able to easily access routes into, through and out of the West End.”

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