Adult Support and Protection Day

Adult Support and Protection Day Image

The cost of living crisis is making some people in Dundee communities more at risk of harm from neglect or self-neglect.

That was the stark warning today from the Independent Chair of Dundee's Adult Protection Committee, who urged people with concerns to raise them with the appropriate authorities.

Today (20 Feb) marks Adult Support and Protection Day, when people are encouraged to look out for signs of neglect. The day aims to draw attention to the risk of physical, psychological, financial or sexual harm for some adults who may be unable to safeguard themselves.

This year for ASP day the focus is on neglect and Self-neglect. Neglect is when someone is not being cared for properly, either by themselves or by someone responsible for them. Self-neglect is when a person is either unable to, or loses the motivation to, look after themselves.

Independent Chair of the Dundee Adult Support and Protection Committee, Elaine Torrance, said: "Right now, many people are finding things really difficult, and the cost of living crisis is making already challenging situations worse.

"That can cover serious issues like inadequate diet due to food costs, or the risks from cold as a result of rocketing energy bills.

"In Dundee, the number of adults at risk of harm that have been reported continues to rise. The majority of concerns have been reported about people living in their own homes and relate to welfare issues.

"It's sometimes hard to see when someone is struggling to manage, or you might feel you don’t want to interfere. However, sharing your concern is the right thing to do and can allow support to be offered."

Social Care Minister Kevin Stewart added: “We know that the cost of living crisis is making day to day decisions harder for many, and for those looking after others, or struggling to take care of themselves it could be making things even harder.

"The important thing is that people know what to look for and where to go to get help for anyone they are worried about may be suffering from neglect or self-neglect.

"Everyone has a role to play in keeping people safe from harm, and Adult Support and Protection Day helps highlight the role people in the community have in raising concerns."

Anyone who suspects that an adult in Dundee is being harmed should call 01382 434019. In an emergency situation please contact the police on 999.

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