Responsible disposal of vapes urged

Responsible disposal of vapes urged Image

Vape users in the city are being urged to dispose of their batteries and devices in a responsible way as part of a new council campaign.

Members of the public who use such devices are asked to consider the wider impact of how they dispose of their vaping equipment.

Neighbourhood Services Committee Convener Heather Anderson said: “Our aim is to ensure that people who use vape devices know how to dispose of them in the right way.

“If you can, please remove the batteries and then recycle them at the city’s recycling centres or at supermarket and retailer battery disposal points around Dundee.

“If you have used a single use vape, these often have built-in batteries which are more difficult to remove – but they can be recycled at Baldovie and Riverside amongst the Electrical waste.”

Depute Convener Nadia El-Nakla said: “Disposable vapes are problematic and relatively new, there is a lot of discussion across the country regarding the safe disposal of vapes and the negative impact they can have on the environment.

“I would urge all vape smokers to think twice before disposing of their products. We ask that they make good use of our A-Z Recycling Guide to see how all vape materials should be disposed of, if they are unsure.

“There are a lot of battery disposal points around the city and the Recycle Now website has a great searchable tool to find out how to responsibly dispose of vape batteries closer to home.”

Residents are advised to use the Dundee City Council A-Z Recycling Guide to know how to appropriately discard of vape paraphernalia as well as other items.

A searchable guide for finding local battery disposal points exists on the national Recycle Now website.

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