12 Hectares of tree-planting and improvements

12 Hectares of tree-planting and improvements Image

A programme of outdoor improvements, including the planting of twelve hectares of new native woodlands, could be introduced if approved by Councillors.

The city’s Neighbourhood Services Committee will hear of plans to plant three woodland areas to generate new habitats for wildlife, create a future resource for people and boost climate resiliency in line with Dundee’s Climate Action Plan and Biodiversity Action Plan.

The proposals follow a successful grant application made to the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund to make the plans to plant 12 hectares of woodland possible. The wooded areas would be situated at the Riverside Nature Park, Balgay Hill and the space north of Brackens at Clatto.

Additional plans would also see Dundee Law receive improvements following the completion of the Dundee Law Heritage Project, and suggestions put forward by the Friends of Dundee Law group.

Bollards would be replaced, steps resurfaced, rustic fencing installed, works to the bins & bench seats, as well as the refreshing and further work to protect the celebrated artwork at the summit communication tower.

Neighbourhood Services Committee Convener Councillor Heather Anderson said: “These plans outline a significant investment in boosting the number of trees planted in the Dundee area.

“Initiatives such as the development of twelve hectares of new woodland made up of mixed native trees contributes to our commitments in addressing the climate emergency and boosting local biodiversity.

“There is a wide variety of proposals due to take place, pending approval. The council’s Environment service continues to utilise external funding where possible, from the Scottish Government for playparks around the city and for the new woodlands.

“It’s important we continue to invest in our outdoor spaces to keep them up to the high standards members of the public expect. This can be difficult where storm damage presents new challenges. However, it’s very positive to see the plans put forward for Reres Park to address this at the site.”

If approved, work would also take place at Reres Park to improve steps and paths up and around Reres Hill.

A new set of steps, with a handrail, will include drainage and be made of recycled plastic designed to be long-lasting. Another path at the location, damaged by Storm Arwen, will be repaired as well as several storm-lifted root plates which would be removed to improve the visual amenity of the site.

A total of fifteen sites across the city will see new pieces of play equipment installed. These are Balgowan Avenue, Baxter Park, Camperdown Park, Carlochie Greendykes Play Area, Clatto Park, Claypotts Playpark, Fairmuir Park’s Playpark, the Playpark on Fintry Drive, the Fintry side Playpark, Hilltown Park, Mill O Mains, Peebles Drive, Sandeman Street, South Road Playpark, and Stobsmuir Park Playpark.

The plans to be put to Councillors also include a variety of improvements to pocket parks located on Lorimer Street and Moncur Crescent. These would see raised planters, new benches, bins and additional trees installed across the two spaces.

At Riverside Nature Park, new interpretation signage will be installed replacing the previous signs which have been in place since the park opened in 2011.

Elsewhere, it is proposed that various infrastructure works take place at Barnhill Cemetery and Caird Park for visitors.

The Neighbourhood Services Committee will meet on Monday 9th January 2023.

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