Consultation proposal on future of Law Nursery

Consultation proposal on future of Law Nursery  Image

Consultation around a proposal to close Law Nursery could begin if a report is approved by the children and families services committee. 

The Diocese of Dunkeld confirmed earlier this year that it is selling the land which is currently leased by the council and occupied by the nursery. 

Notice was then served on the council regarding the existing lease and the implications required a review of Law Nursery, the committee will hear. 

Closure of the facility is now being proposed, as it has been confirmed that capacity remains to meet current and projected future demand from families across the city for places for children.     

Council officers have already spoken directly to families about potential options available to them.  

The nursery has a capacity for 70 children at any one time, with 22 children remaining until June 2023 after families were asked to make a choice. 

The council undertook a review of available sites within the area, but no suitable locations were available which could provide appropriate indoor and outdoor early learning provision. 

It has also been confirmed that there will be no job losses as a result of closure. 

A report to the committee states: “Law Nursery received grades of very good in all quality indicators during their last inspection by the Care Inspectorate. If it closes, the resultant transfer of staff into other nurseries within the city spreads this exemplary practice, skills and experience and also augments existing positive experiences for children across the city.”

The committee, which meets on October 31, is being asked to approve consultation around the closure option, which would last from November 7 to December 20. 

It is anticipated that the Children and Families Services Committee will consider the final proposal at its meeting in April 2023. 

Children and families convener Councillor Stewart Hunter said: “We have been working closely with the Diocese during this time. 

“I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation. 

“Their views will inform a vital part of the process. 

“Although Law Nursery has provided a good environment for early learning for many years, there is not a suitable location where we can replace it. But there will be no job losses and children will be able attend other quality nurseries across the city.”

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