Safer roads in Dundee

Safer roads in Dundee Image

The number of people killed and injured on Dundee’s roads continues to drop and progress is being made towards meeting new Scottish Government casualty reduction targets by 2030. 

New figures revealed by Dundee City Council show that casualty figures are reducing and progress on extending the number of roads subject to 20mph limits continues. 

To continue progress councillors are being asked to approve almost £1.3m of new road safety measures at locations across the city and more routes for safer cycling and walking. 

Mark Flynn, convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee, said: “The number of accidents in which people are killed and injured on the local roads network in Dundee continues to remain at a very low level, but the figures only tell part of the story. 

“Unfortunately, in 2021 one person was killed and 36 were seriously injured on our roads and behind each one of these numbers is a human tragedy. 

“Therefore, a vital part of our work is to introduce measures that improve road safety and help to protect people from serious injury and death. 

“That programme of activity and the investment needed to make it happen will continue to be our focus until the city’s roads and those who use them are as safe as they can possibly be.” 

In February 2021 the Scottish Government published its Road Safety Framework with a vision for Scotland to have the best road safety performance in the world by 2030. 

When compared with average figures for the period 2014 to 2018 Dundee reduced overall casualties last year by 19%, with the number of people killed or seriously injured also decreasing from the previous year.

Cllr Flynn added: “The Scottish Government’s targets for 2030 are ambitious and to achieve them will need all of our partners to continue to prioritise resources and significant commitment.” 

A number of new accident cluster sites (below) have been identified for improvement work in the coming year and on-going accident investigations may identify more. 

  • Albert Street near Lyon Street – road markings and traffic signs;
  • Coupar Angus Road at Templeton Road – junction improvements, traffic signs and road markings;
  • Dura Street at Harriet Street – traffic signs and road markings;
  • Lochee Road at Tullideph Road – road markings and traffic signs;
  • Loons Road at Gardner Street – junction improvements;
  • North Marketgait at Ladywell Roundabout – road markings;
  • Pitkerro Road north of Kingsway – pedestrian improvements; and
  • Riverside Avenue at Wright Avenue – junction improvements. 

Meanwhile the following locations have been proposed for 20mph zones in 2023/24 and if approved will progress through the Traffic Regulation Order stage this year: 

  • Albany Terrace/The Law;
  • Kirkton;
  • St Marys;
  • Mid Craigie;
  • Gotterstone; and
  • The Willows/Ormiston Crescent area.

Road safety statistics and the improvement measures will be discussed by the council’s city development committee on Monday (September 5).

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