Attainment of Care Experienced Pupils Highlighted

Attainment of Care Experienced Pupils Highlighted Image

‘Notable improvement’ in the literacy and numeracy attainment of care experienced Dundee secondary pupils is highlighted in a new report.

The children and families services committee will look in detail at attainment data in an update on the broad general education of pupils from P1-S3, as well as the senior phase from S4-6 up until 2021.

Interim results from this year’s exam results are also included.

The report outlines ongoing efforts to keep closing the attainment gap while listing measures to help with further improvements in the future.

Members of the committee will also consider the achievements of young people with complex additional support needs, and will also hear that the city is committed to improving outcomes for care experienced children and young people

The overall trend for literacy and numeracy attainment for care experienced children and young people is one of ‘notable improvement’. Data for 2021 shows the highest level for the last five years at both SCQF Level 4 or better and SCQF Level 5 or better.

Committee members will hear that this reflects a wide range of recent initiatives and improvement approaches for care experienced young people both when at home and in school.

These include:

  • the adoption of a new Inclusion Policy by Head Teachers
  • the use of care-specific additional funding to provide additional support to those at risk of exclusion;
  • mentoring in all 8 secondary schools
  • the extension of engagement and participation methods to allow children and young people’s voices to be heard 

Meanwhile, the achievements of pupils with complex additional needs are highlighted, including those at Kingspark School and the Rockwell Learning Centre.

The report also looks at young people who have made progress in pathways to employment in programmes like PACE and AIM run in collaboration with Dundee & Angus College.

Children and families convener Councillor Stewart Hunter said: “There is a sustained effort ongoing across all of our nurseries, schools and learning centres to ensure that every pupil can make the most of their education and go on to positive destinations.

“I am very pleased to see the progress that is being made by care experienced young people and those with complex needs.

“All of our schools and nurseries are taking part in the Every Dundee Learner Matters initiative and I think that is hugely important.

“We want every child and young person to do well in this city and that is only possible through the huge amount of teamwork I see happening every day.

“This report shows that there is still much work to be done, but there is no doubt that the commitment, dedication and enthusiasm is there to make that happen.”

Interim results from the 2022 exams are also included. The committee will hear that this early data demonstrates improvements over a four-year period.

The children and families services committee meets on Monday September 5.

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