Play and Environmental Improvements

Play and Environmental Improvements Image

City Councillors have allocated an additional £750,000 for environmental improvements, while also granting an extra £750,000 for enhancements to the city’s play provision. 

A range of enhancements will be proposed at popular parks and outdoor areas, such as Dudhope Park, Riverside Nature Park, Lochee High Street, Reres Park, Magdalen Green, Baxter Park, Caird Park, the Law, and many other outdoor areas. 

The proposed works across the city will include path works, new plantings, the installation of outdoor furniture, landscape improvements, the replacement of existing signage, with many more improvements also planned. 

Neighbourhood Services Convener Councillor Heather Anderson said: “Our parks and outdoor spaces are vitally important and much loved spaces and we are committed to ensuring they are well maintained. This additional spend will further help to do that and support people to make the most of their own neighbourhoods while getting the many benefits from getting outside. 

“As a council, our ongoing programme will ensure we continue to make the necessary improvements to our parks and greenspaces. This extra funding will help us contribute towards our goals and delivering the high standards we all expect from our outdoor areas.” 

An additional £750,000 has also been allocated to improving the city’s play parks and for the installation of further accessible play equipment around Dundee. 

These proposals have included a £400,000 boost to the city’s current play area renewal programme, £200,000 for fully accessible play items at Castle Green, and £150,000 for accessible play areas & improvements in the East End of the city and the Linlathen/Finlathen area. 

Neighbourhood Services Depute Convener Councillor Nadia El-Nakla added: “Play parks are at the heart of communities and during Covid-19 became places of sanctuary. Our current play audit is identifying and putting in place a number of inclusive play items at locations around the city. 

“This additional support will help greatly in achieving our ambitions. We have listened to our communities and want to bring the positive change needed to make playing at the park accessible for all.” 

The council’s Policy & Resources Committee approved the initial plans at its meeting on Monday June 27. 

Further detail about the environmental improvements and play enhancements are available on the Dundee City Council website. 


£750,000 for the enhancement of parks & open space.

Refurbishment of Interpretation signs at Riverside Nature Park and Local Nature Reserves. £25k

Updating and replacing existing signs with new interpretation boards and notices.

The Law – path and step improvements. £40k
Replenishing the surface materials and finish of paths and steps leading to the Law monument and viewing point.

Roundabout Improvements. £50k
Improvements of hard and soft landscape materials at various roundabouts citywide.

Baxter Park. £50k

Refresh of entrance points to the park and new soft landscape feature at pavilion.

Lochee Bypass crib wall and Road Hedge. £40k

Landscape contouring to improve access to High Street and electric charge point area. Removal of existing hedge to

improve pedestrian access and sightlines.

Claypotts curling pond boundary. £25k
Refurbishment of this boundary with new hedging and replacement fencing to improve this greenspace.

Grassy Beach review. £25k

Refresh of Stannergate viewing point and associated park furniture.

Caird Park Infrastructure. £75k

Upgrade of paths and park furniture/interpretation.

Dawson Park - Path and Drainage Improvements. £65k
Requirement to introduce drainage and path improvements at Arbroath Road entrance to Dawson Park.

Landscape improvements to Eastern and North eastern approaches to Dundee from the road. £50k

Upgrade of existing features at boundary welcome points into Dundee

Dudhope Park. £70k

Wall retention and related enhancement at Dudhope Park - south boundary wall and embankment.

Pocket parks (hard landscaping). £60k
Lorimer street to be prioritised following recent consultation.

Lochee High Street/Bank Street Open Space. £50k

Landscape improvements to enhance this location including new paths, plantings and furniture.

Magdalen green. £30k

Tree avenue and contoured landscape improvements, rear of south boundary (rear of vehicle garage).

Balgay Park/Victoria Park Entrance improvements. £50k

Landscape Improvements to park entrance points.

Reres Park – refurbishment of tarmac paths. £25k
Upgrade of exisiting path network through resurfacing of paths.

Ambleside Environment Improvements - East End. £20k

New plantings and refresh of this area following local community consultation.

£750,000 for additional improvements to play parks and the installation of further accessible play equipment.


Citywide Play Area Renewal Programme. £400k
To support upgrade of play areas identified through the current audit of locations citywide.

Castle Green - renewal/refurbishment with fully accessible play items. £200k

Refresh of the existing play equipment and kiddie rides to complete and support wider enhancements in this area which follows from Active Travel and Flood Improvements nearby. An emphasis will be placed on improved accessibility for all children to enjoy this prime location.

Focus on new accessible play areas and improvements in SIMDs of East End, Linlathen/Finlathen. £150k

Acknowledging that Linlathen features in the top 10 SIMDs in Scotland, the aim is to introduce specific improvements for the direct benefit of children living in this area.

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