Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 - Fees

Premises LicenceRateable ValueNew Application
Fee £
Annual Fee
* Category 1(  –  )200180
* Category 2(1  –  11,500)800220
* Category 3(11,501  –  35,000)1100280
* Category 4(35,001  –  70,000)1300500
* Category 5(70,001  –  140,000)1700700
* Category 6(140,000 + )2000900
TypeNew Application
Fee £
Annual Fee
+ Personal Licence50
+ Extended Hours10
+ Occasional Licence10
VariationsNew Application
Fee £
Annual Fee
+ Minor Variation(s)20
+ Substitution of Manager (and Minor Variation)31
Transfer (at request of licensee) – Sect 33100 
Transfer (at request of licensee and Minor Variations) – Sect 33120 
Transfer (at request of person other than licensee) – Sect 34100 
Transfer (at request of person other than licensee) and Minor Variations – Sect 34120 
Temporary Premises Licence100 
+ Provisional Licence200 
+ Confirmation of Provisional LicenceAppropriate
Category Fee
less £200
Certified copy of Licence£20 

* Denotes maximum fees fixed by Scottish Government
+ Denotes set fees fixed by Scottish Government