Lord Provost of Dundee

Lord Provost Bill Campbell
Who is the Lord Provost?

Bill Campbell is Dundee's Lord Provost. He represents the West End ward as a Scottish National Party (SNP) Councillor.

What does the Lord Provost do?

The Lord Provost is the non-political civic figurehead of the city, a position which dates back to the 14th Century in various guises. The Lord Provost is usually elected every five years from the 29 members of Dundee City Council.

The Lord Provost is also the Lord-Lieutenant of Dundee, which means they are the King’s official representative in the city. The Lord Provost will host any visits by members of the royal family and events relating to the armed forces.

A wide range of duties are carried out by the Lord Provost including civic receptions, the promotion of Dundee within the city, nationally and internationally and including our Twin Cities.

The Lord Provost is supported by the Depute Lord Provost, Deputy Lieutenants and Bailies.

A message from the Lord Provost

Dundee has a long and proud civic history. The Lord Provost is at the forefront of the civic business, and I'm proud to be the current incumbent of the role.

I shall work hard at promoting Dundee, meeting with its citizens and organisations and promote my civic activities as much as I can in line with the environment and gender and diversity policies of Dundee City Council.

Contact the Lord Provost

Lord Provost's Secretary
21 City Square
Dundee DD1 3BT
Email: ashley.bruce@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel:  01382 434216