Local Air Quality Management

As established by the Environment Act 1995 Part IV, all local authorities in the UK are under a statutory duty to undertake an air quality assessment within their area and determine whether they are likely to meet the air quality objectives for a number of pollutants. The process of review and assessment of air quality undertaken by local authorities is set out under the Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) regime.

Where the results of the review and assessment process highlight that problems in the attainment of health-based objectives for air quality will arise, the authority is required to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA). Following the declaration of an AQMA, the local authority is then required to produce an Air Quality Action Plan which sets out measures that the local authority, and any other key stakeholders, will implement to work towards achieving the air quality objective levels for the pollutants that have exceeded the objectives levels.


Email: pollution.control@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel: 01382 433710