Accessibility Improvement Request

* Please note this is not the correct form to request a dropped kerb for vehicular access to a driveway. To do this, please visit the vehicular access webpage *

Complete this online form to request a dropped kerb crossing, or removal of barriers to accessibility. 

Whilst Dundee City Council makes every effort to ensure Dundee City is as accessible as possible for people walking, wheeling and cycling, we acknowledge that there remain several barriers to accessibility on our streets. To help us address this, please use this form to report them to us. 

Your request will be considered by a suitably qualified person within Dundee City Council and if suitable, placed into the list for future works. Please note that whilst your request will be considered within a reasonable timescale, it may not meet safety (or other) criteria and therefore may not be actioned.

Apply Online Now

Contact details

If you are unable to use the form, please call us on 01382 433116.