Parent Councils

Dundee City Council's Children and Families Service, welcomes and encourages parental involvement, recognising its essential role in the development of a strong partnership between parents and schools.

Research has shown that children do better if their parents are involved in their education. Whatever that sphere of involvement may be it is greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Parent Forum

Every parent/carer is automatically a member of the Parent Forum at their child's school. As such, they have a say in who will represent them on the schools' Parent Council.

Parent Council

The Parent Council is a group of parents selected by members of the Parent Forum, at its Annual General Meeting, to represent all the parents of children at their school. Parent Councils are flexible and can decide on the type of group they want to represent their views, their name and many other things.

The type of things a Parent Council could get involved in include:

  • Supporting the work of the school
  • Gathering and representing parents' views to the Head Teacher, Education Authority and Education Scotland
  • Attending social/fund-raising events
  • Parent information events
  • Open days/ evening workshops
  • Library/book events
  • Sharing experience or expertise with the school

Who can be involved on a Parent Council?

Every school's Parent Council will be different, but members of the Parent Council, including the Chair, must be parents of children who attend the school. Members are normally elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Council. The Parent Council can also decide to co-opt other members, such as school staff and community representatives, who have knowledge and skills to help them. The Parent Council of a denominational school will also have a Church Representative nominated to join it.  

Although Parent Council members will bring their own skills and knowledge they must also consider how they can ensure that the Parent Council represents all views, through consultation from the Parent Forum.

If you are interested in joining your school's Parent Council, contact the Council Chair (details on your school's website), an existing member, or the School's Office. 

Parent Council Chair

Each Parent Coucnil appoints a Chair, who organises meetings, liaises with the school's Head Teacher and other DCC Officers, and delivers an Annual Report at the Parent Council's AGM.

In Dundee, Parent Council Chairs meet once per term to discuss their work and to hear from Council Officers such as the Executive Director  or Chief Education Officer. 

Connecting Parents Groups

A useful service is provided to Parents Groups by Connect.<span class="sr-only">(link is external)</span>