Policy And Resources Committee - 26/06/2023

At a MEETING of the POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE held remotely on 26th June, 2023.




Lord Provost Bill CAMPBELL


Depute Lord Provost Kevin CORDELL







Christina ROBERTS











Dorothy McHUGH


Roisin SMITH








Stewart HUNTER




Charlie MALONE


Steven ROME




Councillor John ALEXANDER, Convener, in the Chair.


The minute of meeting of this Committee of 12th June, 2023 was held as read.


Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.




Councillor Crichton declared an interest in the item of business at Article XIII of this minute by virtue of his employer having an office in the accommodation referred to and took no part in the proceedings and withdrew from the meeting during its consideration.




This item was placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor Alexander who proposed that the Committee agree to review the Committee structure and Spokespeople.


Councillor Alexander, seconded by Bailie Sawers, moved that the Committee agree that a new Committee Structure be introduced to better reflect the needs and priorities of the city as follows:-


- City Council

- Children, Families and Communities

- Climate, Environment and Biodiversity

- Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure

- Neighbourhood Regeneration, Housing and Estate Management

- City Governance


and that the Committee also agrees the former functions of the Community Safety and Public Protection Committee relating to Police and Fire would be better placed within the Council's Scrutiny Committee.


It was also proposed that the Committee agree that new Spokespeople/roles be appointed as follows:-


- Culture, History and Sport

- Alcohol and Drugs

- Equalities

- Fairness and Wellbeing

- Lead for Health and Social Care

- Depute Leader of Dundee City Council

- Older People


The Committee remitted to Officers to prepare an Order of Reference to Committees and SubCommittees, a list of the Convenerships, Depute Convenerships and Spokespeople which would be required to be filled and a Scheme of Salaries, Pensions and Expenses for Members, all taking account of this new Committee and Spokespeople structure, for consideration by the Recess Sub-Committee on Monday, 10th July, 2023.


As an amendment, Bailie Wright, seconded by Councillor McHugh, moved that the proposed Children, Families and Communities Committee should also be responsible for Policies and Strategies for Older People and Vulnerable People.


On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Lord Provost Campbell, Depute Lord Provost Cordell, Bailies Dawson, Roberts and Sawers and Councillors Anderson, El-Nakla, Flynn, Hunter, Lynn, Rome, Short, Smith and Tolland, (15); and for the amendment - Bailies Keenan, Wright and Scott and Councillors Cruickshank, Finnegan, McHugh, McIrvine, Malone, Scullin and Shears, (10) - Bailie Macpherson and Councillors Coleman, Crichton and Duncan declining to vote - whereupon the motion was carried.


As a further amendment, Bailie Macpherson, seconded by Councillor Crichton, moved that the Committee determined that there was no change to the current structure and arrangements necessary at this time, so no action be taken to alter Committee structures and spokespeople.


On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Lord Provost Campbell, Depute Lord Provost Cordell, Bailies Dawson, Roberts, Sawers and Scott and Councillors Anderson, El-Nakla, Flynn, Hunter, Lynn, Rome, Short, Smith and Tolland, (16); and for the amendment - Bailie Macpherson and Councillors Coleman, Crichton and Duncan (4) - Bailies Keenan and Wright and Councillors Cruickshank, Finnegan, McHugh, McIrvine, Malone, Scullin and Shears, declining to vote - whereupon the motion was declared carried.




The Committee acceded to a request for a deputation to address the Committee from Alex Williamson of the WAVE Trust in relation to this item of business. After the deputation had stated their case and answered questions from members of the Committee, they were thanked for their attendance and withdrew.


This item had been placed on the agenda by Bailie Macpherson and Councillor Crichton who requested that the Committee notes the work of the WAVE Trust and its 70/30 campaign to reduce levels of child abuse, neglect and domestic abuse by 70 per cent by 2030.


Bailie Macpherson and Councillor Crichton asked that the City Council explores with the WAVE Trust on how to further enhance efforts to tackle child abuse, neglect and domestic abuse in the city to ensure the city played its part in achieving the aims of the 70/30 campaign.


Thereafter, the Committee resolved as follows:-


1. notes the work of the WAVE Trust and its 70/30 campaign to reduce levels of child abuse, neglect and domestic abuse by 70 per cent by 2030;


2. notes that over 700 MPs, MSPs, MLAs, MSs, mayors and local councillors have endorsed the campaign across all political parties, including various Scottish local authorities;


3. recognises the role that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) plays in the entrenchment of intergenerational health and income inequalities and the loss of over 20 billion per year to the UK economy; and


4. recognises the excellent preventative work already being carried out by the City Councils Children and Families Service including its comprehensive early years strategy to prevent harm to children before it happens, ensuring that all parents are supported to give their children the best possible start in life. It therefore agrees that the City Council should engage with the WAVE Trust with regard to its approach to achieving 70/30, to ensure that all relevant actions and policies are implemented and embedded within the culture and processes of the City Council.




There was submitted Joint Report No 177-2023 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services and the Executive Director of City Development, providing details of the governance arrangements for the management of corporate assets across the Council and setting out the timescales for the next review of individual asset management plans that would come back to members for approval separately in due course.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to note the content of the report;


(ii) to approve the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2023/2028 as detailed in the Appendix of the report; and


(iii) to note the arrangements and timescales for updating existing asset management plans as set out in paragraph 4.4 of the report.




There was submitted Report No 175-2023 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, on the Scottish Governments Medium-Term Financial Strategy, published on 25th May 2023, and the potential consequences for the Council.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to note the contents of the report;


(ii) to remit the Executive Director of Corporate Services to report back to a future meeting of the Committee setting out an updated medium-term strategy for the Council and a strategy to address the projected budget shortfall over the period 2024/2028;


(iii) to note that Officers would commence exploring options for budget savings and that this would include engagement with partners;


(iv) to authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive Directors, to take appropriate steps to manage current and recurring revenue expenditure, including reviewing vacancies and any new recurring commitments;


(v) to note that in Dundee there had been 161m of cuts over 13 years with a potential further cut of 20m this coming financial year and these cuts were beginning to have a serious effect on service delivery;


(vi) that the Leader of the Council should write to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance to request that the Cabinet Secretary meets urgently with the Chief Executive, Finance Officers and Councillor Alexander, Bailie Keenan, Bailie Macpherson and Bailie Scott so that the financial case for Dundee can be put forward in the strongest possible terms;


(vii) that Officers report back to Committee detailing the headings and quantum of ring-fenced funding that exist now and what was anticipated over the next one to two years and that that report made recommendations as to how best the Council could use these funds to address social inequality in the city; and


(viii) that the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Labour Group also write a joint letter to the UK Government making representation to them on the funding position and the needs of the local authority.




There was submitted Report No 166-2023 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, presenting the Council's Local Code of Corporate Governance.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to approve the annual compliance review and updated Local Code of Corporate Governance as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report;


(ii) to note the progress against the 2022/2023 Improvement Action Plan as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report;


(iii) to approve the areas for improvements listed in Appendix 3 of the report for 2023/2024;


(iv) to note the progress against the seven core principles of good governance from the CIPFA/SOLACE Delivering Good Governance in Local Government Framework (2016) listed in Appendix 4 of the report; and


(v) to note the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Councils governance arrangements as detailed in paragraphs 5.5. and 5.6 to the report.




There was submitted Report No 144-2023 by the Chief Executive, providing the first annual progress report on the new Council Plan 2022/2027.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to note the progress made since the launch of the Council Plan 2022/2027;


(ii) to remit the report to the Scrutiny Committee for further consideration; and


(iii) to remit the Council Leadership Team to monitor progress and implement improvements as necessary to deliver the outcomes agreed.




There was submitted Report No 162-2023 by the Chief Executive, presenting the Fairness and Local Child Poverty Action Annual Report showing progress during 2022/2023. It also highlighted key actions to be taken in 2023/2024.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to approve the Dundee Fairness and Local Child Poverty Action Plan Annual Report for 2022/2023 as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; and


(ii) to approve the actions as set out for the next phase of the Action Plan from 2023/2024 onwards.




There was submitted Report No 193-2023 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, recommending the investment in equipment for the Council Chamber to facilitate hybrid meetings.


Thereafter, Councillor Alexander, seconded by Bailie Dawson, moved that the Committee agreed:-


(i) to invest in hybrid equipment and associated furniture for the Council Chamber as detailed in Section 4.2(c) of the report, to be funded from the IT provision in the 2023/2028 Capital Plan; and


(ii) to authorise the Executive Director of Corporate Services to make the necessary arrangements for the procurement and installation of the new equipment.


As an amendment, Councillor Duncan, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that paragraph (i) and (ii) above be removed and replaced with:-


(a) Accept the option in paragraph 4.2(a) of the report - Fully virtual meetings.


On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Lord Provost Campbell, Depute Lord Provost Cordell, Bailies Dawson, Roberts, Sawers, Keenan, Wright and Scott and Councillors Anderson, El-Nakla, Flynn, Hunter, Lynn, Rome, Short, Smith, Tolland, Cruickshank, Finnegan, McHugh, McIrvine, Malone, Scullin and Shears (25); and for the amendment - Bailie Macpherson and Councillors Coleman, Crichton and Duncan (4) - whereupon the motion was declared carried.




Reference was made to Article II of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 23rd February 2023, wherein budget investment proposals were agreed, there was submitted Report No 194-2023 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services, recommending how the investment proposals, agreed in the 2023/2024 Budget, would be allocated.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to the allocations and purposes for investment of 500k as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;


(ii) to authorise the Lead Officers indicated to take the necessary steps to implement the proposals; and


(iii) to note that a further report setting out proposals for the balance of funding would be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.




It was reported that the Council's Recess would commence on 1st July, 2023 and end on 12th August, 2023.


To facilitate the smooth, continuous conduct of the Council's business, it was proposed that a Recess Sub-Committee of the Council be set up to deal with matters of an urgent nature which the Chief Executive or Head of Democratic and Legal Services believed could not wait for the next ordinary meeting of the Committee concerned during that period.


The Committee agreed the operating arrangements for the Recess Sub-Committee be as follows:-


(i) Membership - 5 members of the Administration, 3 members of the Labour Group and 1 member of the Liberal Democrat Group;


(ii) Chair - Leader of the Administration or nominee;


(iii) Substitutes - in terms of Standing Order No 45(3) it shall be competent for substitutions to be intimated and effected for individual meetings;


(iv) Quorum - 3 members;


(v) Dates - to be arranged when required;


(vi) Remit - to deal with any urgent business arising during the recess period; and


(vii) Power - full delegated powers to deal with business laid before it.


The Committee also noted, notwithstanding the above, it may be necessary in view of its quasi-judicial nature to arrange meetings of the Personnel Appeals Sub-Committee.




There was submitted Report No 180-2023 by the Executive Director of Corporate Services on contract arrangements for the provision and licensing of Leisure Management software.


The Committee agreed:-


(i) to the renewed purchase of Leisure Management software for a one year period; and


(ii) to remit the Head of Customer Services and IT to compliantly purchase Gladstone Leisure Management software and licenses.


The Committee resolved under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the undernoted item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.




There was submitted Report No 174-2023 by the Executive Director of City Development, updating the Committee on current progress, and next steps in the delivery of Industrial Regeneration as outlined in the report.


The Committee agreed the recommendations.as indicated in the report.





John ALEXANDER, Convener.