Taxi Liaison Group - 28/10/2019
At a MEETING of the TAXI LIAISON GROUP held at Dundee on 28th October, 2019.
Lisa ARCHIBALD (Senior Electoral Services and Licensing Officer), Corporate Services
Brian WOODCOCK (Senior Solicitor, Licensing), Corporate Services
Fraser CRICHTON (Assistant Transport Manager), City Development
Barry RODGER (Senior Environmental Compliance Officer), Neighbourhood Services
Daniel GARVEN (Licensing Standards Officer), Neighbourhood Services
Bryan COLEMAN (Licensing Standards Officer), Neighbourhood Services
Robyn JAMIESON (Police Officer), Police Scotland (Tayside Division)
Cammy FORBES (Police Officer), Police Scotland (Tayside Division)
Peter MARR, City Cabs Dundee 505050 Limited
Qaiser HABIB, Dundee City Taxi Drivers Association
Umer KHAN (for Mohammed Hashmi), Dundee City Taxis
Ryan TODD, Dundee Electric Taxi Association
Graeme STEPHEN, Dundee Taxi Association
Willie LEES, RMT Union (Dundee)
Shaun OVENSTONE, Dundee Taxi Information Group
Also in attendance:
David MURTAGH, Systra
Tom STIRLING, Head of Community Safety and Protection
Councillor George McIRVINE, Dundee City Council (as an observer)
Lisa ARCHIBALD and Barry RODGER, in the Chair
The minute of meeting of the Taxi Liaison Group held on 19th March, 2019? Is this date correct was submitted and noted for information and record purposes.
Item on agenda at request of Dundee City Council:-
Reference was made to Article II of the minute of meeting of the Community Safety and Public Protection Committee of 30th September, 2019, wherein it was agreed that the Executive Directors of Neighbourhood Services and City Development be remitted to progress with the public consultation and stakeholder engagement on potential design options for the introduction of a Low Emission Zone in Dundee.
There was submitted Joint Report No 325-2019 by the Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services which was submitted to the aforementioned meeting of 30th September, 2019 which provided an update on behalf of Neighbourhood Services and City Development on the development of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) for Dundee including the process undertaken to identify potential LEZ options for stakeholder and public engagement and a detailed timeframe for further engagement including public consultation and continued stakeholder engagement on potential design options for the introduction of a LEZ in Dundee.
David Murtagh of Systra and Tom Stirling, Head of Community Safety and Protection who were the appointed consultants, gave a presentation on possible proposals for a Low Emission Zone.
Following discussion, the Group agreed:-
(i) to note the content of the report;
(ii) to note the content of the presentation;
(iii) to note the ongoing consultation exercise; and
(iv) to note that the Taxi Trade and members of the public had the opportunity to respond to the public consultation in respect of Low Emission Zone, should they so wish and that this could be accessed on the website of Dundee City Council.
The Group further agreed:-
(v) to note that should a Low Emission Zone be put in place in Dundee that in terms of emissions those vehicles to Euro 4 petrol or Euro 6 diesel had been specified by the Scottish Government as compliant with emissions;
(vi) to note awareness raising of proposals would be undertaken including preparation and issue of one page information leaflet at licence renewal stage to allow licence holders to be aware of issues in advance of any financial outlay for any vehicle to be used in operation of licence;
(vii) to note that the website of DVLA allowed for check on emissions compliance of a vehicle through offering a search using car registration;
(viii) to note that information would also be placed on the website of Dundee City Council to advise licence holders on proposals and implications for types of vehicles to be used in operation of licence;
(ix) to note that Lisa Archibald would issue link to report and consultation and guidance at renewal stage directing interested parties to the website for further information;
(x) to note that Fraser Crichton would arrange for information to be clearly displayed in the garage and for operators and drivers to be made aware of proposals verbally and through the provision of a leaflet when submitting their vehicle for test and would also place information on video screen at reception;
(xi) to note that manufacturers such as Cabs Direct could also have a role to play in emissions by adapting and providing vehicles to be compliant for use with engines decided by Scottish Government which were emissions compliant;
(xii) to note that the Taxi Trade representatives on the Taxi Liaison Group would welcome involvement and further participation in proposals for Low Emission Zone as they were developed;
(xiii) to note that as indicated by Fraser Crichton that the current make-up of the Taxi Fleet was 50/50 emissions compliant;
(xiv) to note that Tom Stirling was looking to secure funding from Transport Scotland to examine what could be done to improve the flow of traffic in Dundee which may assist with limiting emissions in areas;
(xv) to note that individual local authorities would have the power to determine level of fines for breach of Low Emission Zones and that this may mean the first offence being at a certain level and increasing fines for successive offences;
(xvi) to note that to date approximately 600 responses to survey had been received and that a press release had been issued which may generate further submissions;
(xvii) to note that in terms of emissions, the Trade had made observations that they considered that removal of bus stops were contributing to emissions problems and obstructions to flow of traffic due to buses sticking out on to the road and that Tom Stirling indicated he was not aware of issue but would advise City Development of their concern for investigation.
The Group noted that the next meeting of the Taxi Liaison Group would be held in due course.
Lisa ARCHIBALD and Barry RODGER, Joint Chairs.