Dundee City Council - 11/05/2009
At a MEETING of the DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL held at Dundee on 11th May, 2009.
Lord Provost John R LETFORD
Depute Lord Provost Ian BORTHWICK |
Willie SAWERS |
Helen WRIGHT |
Roderick A J WALLACE |
George REGAN |
Derek J SCOTT |
Elizabeth F FORDYCE |
Laurie BIDWELL |
Stewart HUNTER |
Jimmy BLACK |
Ken LYNN |
Brian GORDON |
David BOWES |
Richard McCREADY |
Andrew DAWSON |
Christina ROBERTS |
Donald HAY |
Alan G ROSS |
Kevin KEENAN |
Helen DICK |
Mohammed ASIF |
Lord Provost John R LETFORD, Convener, in the Chair.
The undernoted minutes were submitted and noted.
1 Minute of Licensing Committee dated 20th April, 2009.
2 Minute of Development Quality Committee dated 20th April, 2009.
3 Minute of Licensing Board dated 23rd April, 2009.
4 Minute of City Council dated 27th April, 2009.
5 Minute of City Development Committee dated 27th April, 2009.
6 Minute of Leisure, Arts and Communities Committee dated 27th April, 2009.
7 Minute of Housing, Dundee Contract Services and Environment Services Committee dated 27th April, 2009.
Tenants' Allowance Update
On the reading of Article II of the minute relative to the above, the Council agreed that part of the minute be amended as shown:-
"(ii) agreed that an independent review of tenants' allowances be undertaken subject to the procedure for the review being reported back to Committee before the review proceeded. The review would include costs relating to the current cost of relets."
8 Minute of Social Work and Health Committee dated 27th April, 2009.
9 Minute of Policy and Resources Committee dated 27th April, 2009.
On a reference to Article III of the minute of meeting of the City Council of 27th April, 2009, there was re-submitted Report No 38-2009 by the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services) regarding proposals to strengthen the scrutiny process.
Councillor Guild, seconded by Councillor Duncan, moved that the Council:-
(i) establish a Scrutiny Committee and the Best Value, Performance and Efficiency Sub-Committee be re-titled and called the Improvement and Efficiency Sub-Committee;
(ii) approve the terms of reference and operating arrangements for the above Committee and Sub-Committee as detailed in paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 of the report;
(iii) invite the Major Opposition Group to nominate a representative to fill the position of Convener and invite the next largest Opposition Group to nominate a representative to fill the position of Depute Convener of the Scrutiny Committee;
(iv) approve the changes to Standing Orders appended to the report and remit to the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services) to make further consequential amendments; and
(v) review the Scrutiny Committee and its operations after a period of six months.
As an amendment, Councillor Macpherson, seconded by Councillor Dick, moved that the City Council approve the report subject to:-
(a) Amendment of Recommendation 5 at Para 2.0 to read:-
5 Review this Committee and its operations after a period of six months and include in that review a review of the remit of the Audit and Risk Management Sub-Committee and the Improvement and Efficiency Board, to ensure that future arrangements are the most efficient possible.
(b) Amendment of Paragraph 4.3(b) to read:-
The membership will comprise three members of the Administration (none of whom are Conveners of any standing Committees of Dundee City Council), two members of the Major Opposition Group (including Chair), and one member of each of the Minor Opposition Groups. All political groups will be represented on the Scrutiny Committee.
(c) Amendment to Paragraph 4.3(f) as follows:-
It shall be competent for substitutes to be intimated and effected for individual meetings of the Committee, but Administration Group substitutes shall not include Conveners of any standing Committees of Dundee City Council.
(d) Addition to Paragraph 4.3 as follows:-
(g) Meetings of the Scrutiny Committee shall be held in public.
On a division, there voted for the motion - Lord Provost Letford, Councillors Guild, Barrie, Black, Bowes, Andy Dawson, Will Dawson, Duncan, Fordyce, Hunter, Lynn, Melville, Roberts and Ross and Bailie Sawers (15); and for the amendment - Councillors Keenan, Asif, Bidwell, Ferguson, Gordon, McCready, Hay, Macpherson and Dick and Bailies Regan, Wright, Wallace, Scott and Depute Lord Provost Borthwick (14) - whereupon the motion was declared carried.
As a further amendment, Bailie Scott, seconded by Bailie Wallace, moved approval of the foregoing motion subject to the undernoted addition to the terms of reference of the Scrutiny Committee.
4.3(a) 12 To consider any item submitted by any member, such item having first been submitted to the Convener and thereafter the Committee having agreed to consider it.
On a division, there voted for the motion - (15); and for the amendment - (14) as in the division recorded immediately above - whereupon the motion was declared carried and became the finding of the meeting.
Reference was made to Article II of the minute of meeting of the City Council of 27th April, 2009, wherein five members of the SNP Group, three members of the Labour Group, one member of the Conservative Group and one member of the Liberal Democrats Group were appointed to serve on the above.
Following the resignation of Councillor Roberts, the Council agreed that the vacancy be filled by Councillor Hunter.
Lord Provost John R LETFORD, Convener.