Recess Sub-committee - 01/08/2007
At a MEETING of the RECESS SUB-COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 1st August, 2007.
George REGAN
Roderick A J WALLACE
Elizabeth F FORDYCE
Councillor Joe MORROW, Convener, in the Chair.
Unless marked thus *all items stand delegated.
The Sub-Committee acceded to a request to address the Sub-Committee relative to the above. After the deputation had stated its case and answered questions from members of the Sub-Committee, it was thanked for its attendance and withdrew.
Thereafter, there was submitted Report No 382-2007 by the Director of Education proposing a pilot drop-off and parking arrangement at Park Place Nursery School which would be monitored, evaluated and reported to the Education Committee before a formal decision was taken on the proposed merger of Park Place Nursery School with Bellfield Nursery School.
The Convener, seconded by Bailie Regan, moved approval of the recommendations of the report as undernoted:-
(i) approve the contents of this report;
(ii) instruct the Directors of Education and Planning and Transportation to implement, monitor and evaluate the proposed pilot outlined in paragraph 7.3; and
(iii) agree that the Education Committee will not discuss the proposed merger of Bellfield Nursery School with Park Place Nursery School at its meeting on 13th August, 2007, but that the findings of the pilot will be incorporated in a full report to the Education Committee in due course.
As an amendment, Councillor Guild, seconded by Councillor Fordyce, moved relative to paragraph 2.1(iii) of the report to delete all after 13th August, 2007, insert: be incorporated in a full report to the Education Committee not later than 12th November, 2007.
On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener and Bailies Regan and Wallace (3); and for the amendment - Councillors Guild and Fordyce (2) - whereupon the motion was declared carried.
There was submitted Agenda Note AN192-2007 advising that Dundee Cyrenians provided a range of services for homeless people in Dundee for which they received Support People and NHS funding. In November 2006, Dundee Cyrenians took over responsibility for the Wishart Centre in Constable Street, Dundee from the former Wishart Centre Board and continued to provide a limited day service from the Wishart Centre, using funding from NHS Tayside and the Community Regeneration Fund.
A full service review of the Cyrenians' activities was underway, as required for continued Supporting People funding, and the longer term future of day services in the Wishart Centre was being considered alongside this review. However, the review would take some time to conclude and in the interim, Dundee Cyrenians were seeking funding to continue the existing Wishart Centre services until March 2008.
The Sub-Committee agreed to a one-off payment to Dundee Cyrenians of 25,000 for 2007/08 to provide services at the Wishart Centre funded from the Social Work revenue budget for 2007/08.
The Convener agreed that the undernoted item of business be considered as a matter of urgency in terms of Standing Order No 17(b) and in view of the timescales involved.
There was submitted Agenda Note AN193-2007 advising that concern had been expressed regarding ABB's derelict factory premises at East Kingsway Works.
Following discussions between the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services) and the Director of Planning and Transportation, it had therefore been decided to proceed with a Dangerous Buildings Notice under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003.
The Notice required ABB (unless they successfully appealed to the Sheriff) to secure the building against entry by 13th August and then demolish it by 28th December, 2007.
The Sub-Committee noted the position and that the Planning and Transport Committee would be kept advised of progress.
Joe MORROW, Convener.