Societies Lotteries Licence

For more information about EU Services Directive visit the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) website.

 LicenceRequired to sell raffle tickets etc
 ConditionsView the Conditions here (28KB MS Word doc)
 DeclarationDownload the Declaration Form here (15KB PDF)

Important:  Notes on Downloading

  • You will need to uncompress downloaded files, to do this you may need Winzip or an equivalent.
  • To read 'PDF' documents you may also require Adobe Reader.
  • If you have the choice, and you are on a slow connection, Word documents will download faster than Adobe documents.
View the processing timescales here.
 Will Tacit
Tacit consent will apply - what is this?.
 Contact Us
  • By calling 01382 434499, 01382 434805, 01382 434433 or 01382 434283
  • By writing to The Licensing Section, Dundee City Council, 21 City Square, DUNDEE DD1 3BY
  • By emailing

To view the online registers visit the public licensing register area of this website. Public registers for all licences can also be inspected at 21 City Square, Dundee.