Liquor Licence Applications - Premises Licence

All licensees will require to apply for a premises licence if they intend operating after 1st September, 2009.  An application form is available in the Forms Section. It is intended that there will be a managed transition and that this will be achieved by having four tranches as undernoted:-

First Tranche

Licenses under the 1976 Act due for renewal in March 2008, 2009 or 2010, should apply for a premises licence under the 2005 Act by 7th March, 2008.

Second Tranche

For licences due in June 2008, 2009 or 2010, the application date is 6th June, 2008.

Third Tranche

For licences due in October 2008, 2009 or 2010, the application date is 3rd October, 2008.

Fourth Tranche

For licences due in January 2009, 2010 or 2011, the application date is 16th January, 2009.

Although there is nothing to prevent a premises licence being lodged at any time after 1st February 2008, it would greatly assist the process if those in the second, third and fourth tranches would wait until after the last lodging day for the preceding tranche before applying e.g. those in the fourth  tranche should not apply until after 3rd October, 2008.

If licensees apply by the date applicable and the premises are to be substantially the same i.e. their size and capacity, their general nature, entertainment provided and the hours of operation, they will be able to apply for "Grandfather rights".  This means that certificates from Planning, Building Control and the Environmental Health will not be required. Additionally, the ground of refusal of an application and other provisions will not apply.  An operating plan and a layout plan will still be required.