A layout plan will also have to be submitted and in this regard it is strongly recommended that licensees consult an Architect or other professional in regard to the production of the plan as this will have to be to scale, reflect the contents of the operating plan and include the extent and dimensions of the boundary of the building and any beer gardens, location and names of any streets surrounding the premises, the location and width of each point of access to and egress from the premises, the location and width of any other escape routes from the premises, the location of any equipment used for the detection or warning of fire or smoke or for fighting fires, the location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts in the premises, the location of any toilets on the premises (identified as male, female or disabled as appropriate), any area of the premises set aside specifically for the use of children and young persons and any area on the premises to which children and young persons will have access.
Access and egress widths should be measured in accordance with Section 2 of the Scottish Building Standards Technical Handbook.
Layout plans should be A4 or A3 size. Wherever possible depending upon the size of the premises. Layout plans which do not comply with the above will not be accepted.