To speak with a member of the Housing Team call 01382 433003
Homefinder - a solution for your clients?
For some people the private rented sector may be the best option available. It can often offer properties in locations where there is no social rented housing. This can assist to locate near to friends, family or support networks. It can often be the preferred option rather than spend long periods in temporary accommodation, poor conditions or locations not of their choosing.
We can find a solution fast
- Applicants to Homefinder are normally interviewed within a few days of contacting us. After that, if we know of suitable properties or they have found something appropriate, things can move quickly. It is not unusual for people to have a new home and move in quickly with little or no fuss.
- Locations and standards of accommodation can vary, but all must be provided by Registered Landlords, meet legal requirements (safety etc) and be clean with serviceable furniture (if furnished).
Priorities and Support
- We prioritise families and single people who are in housing need. Applicants can be on benefits or in employment. We carry out regular reviews of the tenancy, within the first few weeks of setting up tenancy, and then quarterly for the first year, this to ensure they are managing the tenancy.
- Where there are agreed deposit repayments we will also check these are being maintained. Should support be identified as a requirement before or during the tenancy we can refer clients onto registered support providers.