Approved Professional Dog Walkers

Dog Watch StickerView current list of approved professional

The Council has launched a voluntary “approved user” accreditation scheme for professional dog walking companies, as part of the Take Pride in your City Campaign.

Professional dog walkers are active within the city’s parks and open spaces. This activity involves dog owners paying a responsible person to walk their dog(s) while the owners are unable to do so. Professional dog walkers provide a valued service to busy working people, the elderly and infirm. This voluntary scheme give companies the opportunity to understand the requirements for best practice and also offers reassurance to owners who are seeking a dog walker for their pet.

To be granted approved user status, the company has to agree to a number of conditions including:

  • No more than six dogs to be exercised at any one time.
  • The professional dog walking company to have relevant pet business insurance.
  • Comply with all current dog related laws, regulations and guidance.
  • Keep accurate up to date records for each dog in their care.
  • Dogs to be transported in a vehicle fit for purpose with dogs adequately secured
  • To have a first aid kit designed for dogs.
  • Dogs to be tagged with the professional dog walking company’s own company tag whilst under their authority.
  • Controlling dogs at all times during exercise.
  • Cleaning up any dog fouling.
  • Being aware and responsible for other land use – i.e. keeping away from livestock and bird habitat areas.

The scheme is available for all dog walking companies who regularly exercise dogs in Dundee, not just those who are based here. Those who gain the accreditation will be able to display their Council Dog Watch approved certificate on their vehicles and will also have user ID.

Approved companies will continue to be monitored and can lose their approved user status if they breach any of the requirements.

Anyone wishing to apply to join the scheme or simply wanting to find out more should contact the Animal Control section.

Tel: 01382 436285

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