There are many advantages to becoming a member of an accreditation scheme, including public recognition of being a good landlord or agent, market advantage when letting properties and access to knowledge and support in a constantly evolving sector.
There is a local Dundee Landlord Accreditation scheme:
Landlord Accreditation Scotland offer National accreditation and access to training and information
The Repairing Standard
A landlord in the private rented sector has a duty to ensure that the house they rent out meets the “repairing standard”. If a tenant or third party (for the time being a Local Authority) believes that a rented house does not meet that standard, a referral can be made to the Housing and Property Chamber First Tier Tribunal for Scotland for a decision by a Private Rented Housing Committee (a “Committee”) on whether or not the landlord has complied with that duty. The Committee can then order the landlord to carry out the necessary repairs to meet the standard. Various enforcement powers apply if the landlord then does not do so. The Repairing Standard is a basic level of repair which all private rented accommodation must reach.