Ward 2 - Lochee - Siobhan Tolland

Siobhan TollandCouncillor Siobhan Tolland

Constituents are very welcome to contact Councillor Tolland on 01382 433332 or by email: siobhan.tolland@dundeecity.gov.uk by appointment only. Telephone and Teams appointments can also be made.

Councillor Tolland, Smith and Mills will be holding joint surgeries as follows:

  • Lochee Community HUB - 11am to 12 noon 
    Thursday 13th March
    Thursday 8th May
    Thursday 11th December
  • Menzieshill Community Centre - 12.30pm to 1.30 pm
    Thursday 20th March
    Thursday 15th May
    Thursday 21st August
    Thursday 23rd October
  • Charleston Community Centre - 12 noon to 1 pm
    Friday 25th April
    Friday 27th June
    Friday 26th September
    Friday 28th November
  • Dryburgh Sheltered Housing Complex, 117 Langshaw Road, Dundee, DD2 2SB - 12 noon to 1 pm
    Friday 6th June
    Friday 5th September
    Friday 7th November

Register of Interest - Siobhan Tolland