Dundee Money Action (DMA)

Updated 9th April 2021

The Dundee Money Action Service ended on 31 March 2021.

Dundee Money Action was a multi-partnership funded project that was managed by Dundee City Council (but included Shelter, Citizens Advice Bureau, Brooksbank and Wise Group). Since 2017 we had been helping people living in Dundee, who were struggling to make ends meet and/or worried about debts. On 31st March 2021 the project officially ended after more than 3 years assisting people with long term financial support and debt advice.

With the service now closed you can still contact the Council's Welfare Rights and Connect Service for help and support using the following methods:

Telephone: 01382 431188 (option 2)
Email: welfare.rights@dundeecity.gov.uk

As was the case with Dundee Money Action our Welfare Rights Service can offer the same services, namely

  • a financial health check
  • a welfare benefits check and help with applications for benefit
  • help to determine where income can be maximised (outgoings reduced)
  • support to negotiate reduced payments to organisations
  • access to a fully trained debt advisor
  • challenging welfare benefit decisions
  • skills and knowledge development about financial products such as comparison sites, insurance, different bank accounts, savings, priority debts, improving credit ratings etc.
  • Assisting you to call creditors, such as mobile phones or TV/broadband packages to try and reduce monthly amounts.
  • fuel tariff checks, energy efficiency checks and fuel debt advice and assistance with our own energy advisor
  • and much more

The Officers can also refer to other services to give you specialist support when required such as

Housing Support
Mental health groups
Local social groups
Credit Union

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