Home to School Transport

Mainstream Travel - Obtaining a Bus Pass

Young people aged 5-21 should apply for a National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot branded NEC.  Parents/Carers may also apply for a companion pass which will enable them to accompany their child/young person to and from home to school, if eligible.

Additional Support Needs (ASN) - Home to School Travel Assistance

For those pupils with Additional Support Needs (ASN) who have a permanent or temporary recognised medical condition or disability, Home to School Travel Assistance may be awarded if specific criteria are met in accordance with our Home to School Travel Assistance Policy

Applications are now invited for School Term 2025-26 commencing in August 2025.  The closing date for applications is Friday 14th February 2025.  

Apply Online

Application Downloads

Alternatively, applications can be downloaded and sent to the address or email listed.

For any additional support or further information please contact: Angela Fairweather

ASN Travel Team
Children and Families Service
c/o Kingspark School
5 Glenaffric Terrace
Dundee DD3 8HF
Tel:  01382 433848 or 07585 998909