Budget Consultation update

Budget Consultation update Image

The leader of Dundee City Council today thanked the thousands of citizens who took part in this year’s Budget Consultation.

The consultation – the biggest of its kind undertaken by the Council - provided an opportunity for members of the public and organisations to share their thoughts on spending priorities and the level of Council Tax for 2025/26.

In addition, respondents were invited to give feedback on a range of specific savings options put forward by officers to help bridge an expected eight-figure budget gap.

By the time the survey closed, well over 3,500 people had shared their views, either online or by completing a paper form.

Council leader Councillor Mark Flynn said: “I want to thank every person and group that shared their thoughts in the Budget Consultation.

“This was a very detailed survey, and I’m grateful that so many people have taken the time to respond either through the survey or by sending in letters and other submissions.

“It shows how engaged people are in local democracy, and also their understanding of the challenging financial landscape that we face.”

It comes as a report outlines the financial implications of the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2025/26.

The report, approved by Councillors on the City Governance Committee this week, reveals that the Council faces a projected budget deficit of £25.5million for the year ahead.

Councillor Flynn continued: “Difficult decisions will inevitably have to be made in order to set a balanced budget, which is why it was so important that we gave people a chance to have their say.

“Officers are now working on analysis of the consultation feedback, and like all elected members across the Chamber I look forward to hearing the detail of what people said in the coming weeks.”

The Council’s Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2025/26 will be set at a special meeting of the City Governance Committee at 2pm on February 27.

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