Downtown Lights Could Shine on Caird Hall

Downtown Lights Could Shine on Caird Hall Image

Downtown lights could be shining on Dundee's Caird Hall. 

The start of a project to illuminate the city landmark will be switched on if councillors approve a report on Monday (Sep 23). 

They will hear that a lighting masterplan is being developed for the city centre as part of a wider strategic drive to attract more people by improving the environment. 

As part of these moves, specialist consultants ARUP have developed concept designs to enhance the south (Shore Terrace), west (Castle Street) and east (Crichton Street) elevations of the Caird Hall.  

A sourcing strategy to be considered by councillors recommends appointing the Tayside Contracts - Street Lighting Partnership to work with the consultants to finalise the lighting design and to undertake the installation, commissioning and testing works. 

Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure convener Councillor Steven Rome said: “Our drive to make Dundee city centre a more attractive and vibrant place has already seen lights installed in Exchange Street alongside a number of improvements under the City Lights City Nights concept. 

“Our City Centre Strategic Investment Plan is a long-term vision for the future but it has already delivered on the ground with the city centre commercial waste project, Commercial Street and shopfront improvements, and enhancements to New Inn Entry. 

“The Caird Hall lighting project, along with the lighting masterplan, will not only illuminate this famous landmark with low energy LED lighting, but also help in encouraging people to visit the centre and boost the nighttime economy.” 

The total cost of the contract is anticipated to be up to £190,000 and would be funded from UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2024/2025. 

The Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee meets on Monday September 23. 

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