Community wishes

Community wishes Image

SMALL PROJECTS or community-driven requests could be considered for city localities in a new scheme being considered by Dundee City Council.

Community Wishes, under the umbrella of the council’s established Community Benefits Policy, could include support for small installations, maintenance, clean-up projects, materials, volunteering time to complete projects or sponsorship.

John Alexander convener of the council’s city governance committee said: “By combining grass-roots democracy, community activism and technology we have brought forward an easy to use and attractive scheme.

“A straightforward process to maximise participation and minimise bureaucracy is being proposed and this will build on established positive relationships the council already has with many community groups throughout the city.”

A report to next week’s city governance committee outlines a seven-stage process from initial idea through to evaluation including: 

  • gathering wishes; 

  • submitting/uploading wishes;

  • moderating wishes; 

  • approving and publishing wishes; 

  • directing contractors; 

  • delivering and evidencing wishes; and 

  • evidencing and reporting. 

The report notes that a contribution from council services will be needed to make the scheme a reality, saying: “once established this approach is intended to result in real and tangible benefits to communities of Dundee, through securing additional value from contracted provision”.

If the report is approved on Monday (March 4) the next steps will involve presentations to Local Community Planning groups and communities contacts, a summer launch and first evaluation and monitoring report in summer 2025. 

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