Money Saving Boiler Challenge

Money Saving Boiler Challenge Image

As the Cost of Living crisis bites, members of the public in Dundee are being encouraged to take simple steps which could help save them money on their heating bills.

The Money Saving Boiler Challenge, launched by registered charity Nesta, is being included in the advice being given to householders by the Dundee Energy Efficiency Advice Project (DEEAP).

The Challenge encourages householders to adopt the correct flow temperature on their combi-boiler in order to help save on their total gas usage.

Neighbourhood Services convener Heather Anderson said: “We know that many people are struggling right now, and with temperatures already dropping, it’s important that we communicate the simple steps like adjusting home combi-boiler flow temperatures which can go contribute in helping families save money at a critical time.”

Depute Convener Nadia El-Nakla added: “The Money Saving Boiler Challenge is a great and simple campaign that anyone can sign up to. Not only could it save individuals money, but with more and more people signing up, it is helping to save tonnes of carbon emissions as well.”

More information about the initiative can be found on the Money Saving Boiler Challenge official website.

To contact DEEAP, a service which also helps members of the public on how to reduce energy bills, increase energy efficiency and more, see this page on the Council website. General advice on support available to help people during the cost of living crisis can be found here.

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