Young people make 1.7 million free bus journeys

Young people make 1.7 million free bus journeys Image

Young people in Dundee have made almost 1.7 million free bus journeys since a new entitlement scheme was launched earlier this year. 

Research by Dundee City Council has also shown that under-22s in the city have positive views about Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel and process of applying for it. 

Launched on January 31, the national scheme gives all those aged five to 21 the ability to travel on public transport free of charge. 

In the nine months up to the start of November, the number of free under-22 journeys made by Dundee City cardholders was 1,673,076, according to data from Transport Scotland. 

Current take-up is 71% of the more than 28,000 eligible young people in Dundee. 

City development convener Mark Flynn said: “It’s encouraging to see that this scheme is being so well used by young people in Dundee. 

“In these difficult financial times, it’s helping children and families cut costs for everyday and leisure travel, while at the same time encouraging active travel use which protects our climate. 

“I would encourage every young person in the city who hasn’t signed up for the scheme yet to do so.” 

A total of 816 city young people have taken part in a survey on the scheme. Three-quarters of them had acquired a National Entitlement Card (Young Scot card) which grants access to their free bus travel entitlement. 

The survey showed that the majority of respondents (57%) who have a Young Scot card had increased their bus usage since the scheme was launched.

Other key findings of the research include: 

  • U22s are using the bus service for a wide range of beneficial reasons, especially for attending a leisure activity, hobby, or outdoor activity, visiting friends and relatives and going to school, college or university.
  • Since receiving their NEC, a high proportion of U22s say they have been enabled to use the bus service in many ways that they would not be able, or find more difficult, to enjoy without it.
  • Young people also feel that the policy will make a difference in helping with the cost of living for families, and that it will have a significant positive impact on the environment.
  • There was generally positive feedback about the application process, with applicants largely using their school or the online service. 

Councillor Stewart Hunter, children and families convener, said: “A lot of work has gone into making it as easy as possible for Dundee young people to sign up for this excellent scheme, including great support from our schools. 

“That has paid dividends with such a high level of uptake and usage of the free travel locally, which is helping to widen access to education and work opportunities.” 

The Scottish Government has launched a marketing campaign encouraging further uptake. 

Minister for Transport Jenny Gilruth said: “The majority of eligible young people now having access to free bus travel all across Scotland, for local journeys and trips further afield.

“Free bus travel helps with transport affordability, it helps our young people access education and leisure destinations – all while helping us meet our net zero targets by encouraging a shift away from cars.”

Chief Executive of Young Scot Kirsten Urquhart said: “Nationwide bus travel for under-22 year-olds not only supports young people to make travel choices that benefit them and their pockets - even more pertinent in the emerging cost crisis - but provides a way for them to experience new places, access a wider range of opportunities, and have fun."

“Hearing from so many young people about the benefits of using the Young Scot National Entitlement Card to make free journeys is uplifting and I hope this new campaign will continue to encourage more under 22s to sign up.”

To learn more about the benefits of free bus travel and apply online visit

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