Locality leadership scheme

Locality leadership scheme Image

MORE INVOLVEMENT in community planning and delivery in Dundee could be on the cards if a new locality leadership scheme is agreed by councillors.

As well as encouraging greater participation by Third Sector, private sector and community organisations with an interest in developing and delivering the Local Community Plan, the scheme calls for the appointment of “locality leaders”.

Drawn from Dundee City Council these will be leaders who can work at different levels, beyond their professional context, to a set of shared values demonstrating their commitment to addressing inequalities and working with and for communities.

John Alexander convener of Dundee City Council’s policy and resources committee said: “The way we engage with and on behalf of our communities has been rightly praised in the past but with the recent introduction of the Community Empowerment Act this is the right time for us to look again at how we continue to ensure we are doing the best with and for our communities.

“By introducing locality leaders, giving them full training and creating strategic oversight from a group chaired by the Chief Executive of the council I am confident that we can build on the good work that has already been done.”

Each of the city’s eight council wards currently has a Local Planning Partnership, chaired by a senior council officer and made up of local elected members and services from the public and voluntary sector, working together in partnership with communities.

These work to a Local Community Plan which is reviewed every five years, and the report, which will be considered by the policy and resources committee on Monday (September 26), also includes revised plans for 2022/27.

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