National Moment of Reflection

National Moment of Reflection  Image

Dundee’s Lord Provost Bill Campbell is inviting citizens to take part in a National Moment of Reflection ahead of the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 

The civic leader, who is Dundee’s Lord Lieutenant, said the one-minute silence on Sunday (September 18) at 8pm was an opportunity to reflect on the life and legacy of Her Majesty and to mourn her passing. 

The silence can be marked privately at home with friends and family, or by communities organising local events and vigils. 

The National Moment of Reflection takes place on the eve of the State Funeral and the end of the period of national mourning. 

The Lord Provost said: “The crowds which gathered for the passing of the funeral cortege at the weekend show just how much Her Majesty was loved in Dundee. 

“I’m sure a great many Dundonians will want to take this opportunity on Sunday to mourn Her Majesty’s passing and reflect on her 70-year reign.” 

A book of condolence has been provided at the City Chambers, and is available from 9am to 5pm each day until Sunday September 18. 

An official online book of condolence is available here.

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