Dundee Welcome for Ukrainians Praised

Dundee Welcome for Ukrainians Praised  Image

City Council leader John Alexander is praising local efforts to welcome and support people who have fled the conflict in Ukraine and arrived Dundee.

Refugees are now staying in temporary accommodation in the city after arriving as part of the Scottish Government’s super sponsor scheme.

While work continues to find them more permanent accommodation, city organisations are supplying necessities, access to health services as required, welfare needs, interpretation and education.

Councillor Alexander and city council chief executive Greg Colgan have recently paid a visit to talk to some of the Ukrainian families in temporary accommodation and are using the opportunity to also thank local support teams for their work.

The city council leader said: “I have been absolutely amazed by the local response to help people from Ukraine who have arrived in our city.

“In very short timescales, we have seen packages of support organised and delivered by partners in the city ranging from toys for children, health checks to welfare supports to language assistance.

“This is so typical of the ‘can-do’ Dundee attitude from partners from the local authority, health, the third sector and various city organisations.

“We in Dundee cannot imagine the horrors that these Ukrainian families have witnessed, but the support and care that is being shown is inspiring.

“The resilience they are showing is also quite incredible, and they are supporting each other through this.

“We are also looking to organise English lessons for many of those who have arrived in the city, as well as helping with employability.

“I have been heartened by acts of kindness such as the sourcing of guitars, skateboards and football strips for children who have just arrived.” More…

The council and partners are looking to find accommodation with local people through the Homes for Ukraine/Super Sponsor Scheme.

This involves the assessment of potential hosts and potential accommodation for use, as well as safeguarding checks.

Community networks are also emerging including those organised by faith groups in the local and surrounding area.

Organisations like the Red Cross and Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action are also closely involved in the local efforts.

Councillor Alexander added: “I am always impressed by the ways that people working for different services across the council and our partner organisations come together to provide help and support where it is most needed.
“We are immensely grateful to all the organisations and individuals who are involved in this fast-moving effort to help those who have been forced to flee Ukraine following the invasion of their homeland.
“Dundee has long history of supporting those affected by conflict, and our collective humanitarian response once again shows what a caring city this is.”

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