Beautiful Scotland visit Dundee

Beautiful Scotland visit Dundee Image

Beautiful Scotland judges visited Dundee today (Thurs 11th August) to see what the city has to offer across two categories of its awards scheme.

Administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful, a member of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Bloom Federation, Beautiful Scotland celebrates and supports the achievements of communities who have come together to make positive and lasting improvements to their village, town or city.

Bonnie Dundee, a partnership of community groups, Dundee City Council, organisations, businesses and individual volunteers, who take forward Dundee’s entry in the City category of the awards have entered for 17 years.

Broughty Ferry in Bloom are also being judged on the same day for their entry into the Coastal Town category.

Neighbourhood Services Convener Councillor Heather Anderson said: “Dundee has a strong community spirit, with the city’s groups and hard-working volunteers involved in projects throughout the city.

“Their work is noticeable and ranges from maintaining planters, community gardens, our parks and allotments to litter picks and enhancing our local communities and their environments, which many rely on to improve their mental and physical health.

“Our city’s community volunteers and council staff have been working exceptionally hard throughout the year to improve the city’s environment, and encourage further participation. I wish Dundee’s entry every success in this year’s Beautiful Scotland awards.”

Juliette Camburn, from Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “The Beautiful Scotland groups bring people together to build stronger communities and continue to make a massive difference to Scotland’s environment while having fun at the same time.

“I’d like to wish all the groups the best of luck and look forward to celebrating all their achievements with them at the 2022 award ceremony in September.”

Experienced volunteer judges assess entrants to Beautiful Scotland during a tour of their community, against key criteria under three themes, which are Horticultural Achievement, Environmental Responsibility and Community Participation. Evidence must be shown that efforts are sustained throughout the year.

Some of the winners from Beautiful Scotland 2022 will go on to represent Scotland in the UK-wide RHS Britain in Bloom Finals in 2023.

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