Results Day Message for Pupils

Results Day Message for Pupils Image

Children and families convener Stewart Hunter is congratulating pupils on their achievements as SQA results are texted and posted to them today (Tuesday August 9). 

Over 2,900 Dundee pupils have received results that will help them to plan for the next steps in their futures. 

Councillor Hunter, said: “I would like to congratulate all our pupils for their achievements, as well as school staff for their efforts. 

“This is the first set of year-end exams for graded subjects that have been sat by pupils since 2019, following considerable difficulties caused by the pandemic. 

“Families have played a huge role in supporting their children through this time and helping to prepare them for these exams. 

“Despite restrictions easing over time, this has still been a very difficult time for our pupils and covid still had an impact causing absences and disruption to learning. 

“I am very proud of the resilience that has been shown by all our school communities to enable these exams to go ahead. 

“Pupils at all of our secondary schools as well as Kingspark School and the Rockwell Learning Centre, have worked so hard and I wish them all the best for the future. 

“The city council’s children and families service is now analysing the award data and a full report on the details will be presented to committee in due course. 

“Information from these results will also help to plan for the new school year ahead. 

“Staff are available in secondary schools this week to give young people and their families advice and support, and to discuss all their possible options.”   

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