Public art for active travel route

Public art for active travel route Image

A SERIES of specially commissioned public art works to embellish the new multi-million pound Broughty Ferry to Monifieth active travel route have been agreed.

The pieces, with most commissioned from local artists and costing just over £80,000 in total, include a bollard trail, dolphins and access gates.

Mark Flynn convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee said: “While the active travel route serves a very real, practical purpose that is no reason why it should be purely functional.

“These five pieces of unique public art, which will be created specifically for their locations along the route, will add to the environment and help to develop a sense of place.”

The Broughty Ferry to Monifieth Active Travel project aims to create a better, safer environment to walk, cycle, wheel and to encourage both locals and visitors to enjoy a healthier lifestyle through being more active.

A funding condition of the project stipulated that in addition to improvements for active travel, it should also help with placemaking.  A budget for public art was approved by Sustrans as part of its funding allowance.

Broughty Ferry-based Tilde Arts will create a bollard trail, while Fanny Lam Christie from Perthshire will deliver dolphin sculptures. Dundee’s Louise Kirkby has been chosen to create access gates for Windmill Gardens, with Cupar sculptor Ailsa Magnus designing railings for the beach-front balustrade. Specialist interpretation panels will be the responsibility of Differentia from Hexham.

Work on the various projects will start next month and be completed by late spring next year.

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