Lord Provost Bill Campbell Blog #2

Lord Provost Bill Campbell Blog #2 Image

Hello, and welcome to my second Blog as the Lord Provost of Dundee.

I posted my first, and introductory, Blog last month – if you haven’t yet read it, you can still do so on the Dundee City Council website.

Having launched the Lord Provost Blog last month, I am delighted that we have now reached our first 100 Page Likes on Facebook. Thank you to the people who have taken the time to Like the Facebook Page. We have a very long road ahead to get these numbers much higher, however it is about reaching for achievable goals and our next target is 150 Likes. We will continue to keep the Lord Provost’s Blog fresh with regular inputs of news and information from the Lord Provost’s Office. This Blog is posted on our Facebook page and Twitter feed and also makes a fleeting appearance on the Dundee City Council social media channels. Please support our efforts to energise the Civic arm of Dundee City Council.

I have now set up regular meetings with the Leader of Dundee City Council and the Chief Executive. Our Lord Provost Office meetings have started up again on a fortnightly basis and I am also meeting with the Depute Lord Provost every two weeks. Last week I had a good meeting with the Executive Director for Corporate Services.

Having had the privilege of visiting Chris and Betty Barry for their Platinum Wedding anniversary, I would like to highlight that if you know anyone who is living in Dundee City who will be celebrating their 100th birthday or a Diamond (60th), Blue Sapphire (65th) or Platinum (70th) Wedding anniversary soon and would like a visit from the Lord Provost, please contact the Lord Provost’s office on: Ashley.bruce@dundeecity.gov.uk

Finally, I would like to thank Bailie Helen Wright for once again standing in at one of the University Graduation ceremonies that took place in July, this one being for Abertay University.

The Council is currently in the summer recess period, however much has been occurring during July to keep the Depute Lord Provost Kevin Cordell, myself and the Lord Provost’s Office busy.

Activities over the past month included:

For updates as they occur, the latest Lord Provost news and activities are available on both Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Post and I hope to update you further on my civic responsibilities in the future through my August blog.

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