Dundee Licensing Forum - 11/09/2018

At a MEETING of DUNDEE LOCAL LICENSING FORUM held at Dundee on 11th September, 2018.





Sarah ANDERSON, Children and Families Service

Morag BEATTIE, Licensing Trainer

Sarah CRAIG, City Centre Manager

David GLASS, Licensee

Michael GORMLEY, C J Lang

Simon GOULDING, Licensing Standards Officer

Garvie JAMIESON, Community Member

Neil KERR, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service

Councillor George McIRVINE, Dundee City Council

Maureen MORAN, Legal

Councillor Gregor MURRAY, Dundee City Council

Jonathan STEWART, Licensee

Yvonne TOSH, Community Member


In Attendance:-


Paul RAEPER, Environment Section, Dundee City Council

Richard WHITE, Environment Section, Dundee City Council



Sandy KINGSTON, in the Chair.





Apologies were intimated from Kathryn Baker, John Black, Emma Fletcher and Councillor Stewart Hunter.




The minute of the above mentioned meeting was submitted and approved.




(i) Membership


Following contact by the Chair with Forum members in June, the membership to date was agreed as the following:-


Sandy Kingston Chair

Michael Gormley Vice Chair

John Black

David Glass

Jonathan Stewart

Simon Goulding

Sarah Anderson

Sarah Craig

Morag Beattie

Emma Fletcher

Yvonne Tosh

Garvie Jamieson

Neil Kerr


It was noted that there is a requirement for Police Scotland to have a representative on the Forum. Contact details for the representative to be provided by Simon.


In relation to young persons representation it was noted that a Vice President from DUSA has been approached to become a member.


The Chair reminded Forum members that the constitution allows for up to 20 members.


(ii) Further Community Interest


Nataliya Comerford had provided the Chair with details of interested community members from across the City. The Chair would make contact to establish if they wish to become members of the Forum.


(iii) Licensing Board Assistance with Minimum Unit Pricing


Minimum unit pricing was implemented on 1st May 2018. It was noted that the Scottish Government has instructed that records must be kept and the NHS has also requested data which is proving challenging. There have been some breaches in relation to incorrect pricing meaning products being removed from shelves. Information has been supplied to premises to assist with accurate pricing calculations.


The Forum was informed that Graeme Petrie has now retired from his post as Licensing Standards Officer. A replacement has been selected and will be in post in around six weeks.


(iv) Single Use Plastics


Paul Raeper and Richard White from the Environment Section were welcomed to the meeting for this item.


The Forum was informed that a report went to the Neighbourhood Services Committee in June this year supporting the Scottish Governments aim to remove the use of plastic straws from Council operations where practicable and to consider longer term measures to reduce or eliminate single use plastic items.


Alternatives to plastic items are currently being discussed with the Councils Procurement Team and an approach has been made to Scotland Excel who are now in discussion with manufacturers.


It was noted that there is commitment, from every service within the Council, to support the initiative.


There is to be a recycling roll out to all schools and other Council premises along with an educational campaign.


The single use plastics initiative will be promoted through the Take Pride in Your City community campaign.


It was reported that the Councils Environment Service is looking at ways to support licensed premises with the initiative. A lot of establishments have already started making changes and plenty information is available. It was noted however, that there are reasons for plastic straws etc to still be required in certain situations eg for disability or medical reasons.


Some local companies are trialling the use of paper straws. The Forum was advised that there is a tender process underway for the recycling of mixed metals, plastics and cartons. Once the contract is in place discussions will take place with the organisation awarded the contract and the promoters of concerts in the city etc.


The Chair acknowledged the good initiatives taking place. It was noted that as the Environment Service has a limited capacity, the intention would be for them to work with the Forum, licensees etc to promote the initiative. Support will also come from Licensing Standards Officers. The Forum was advised that all the initiatives come together under the Take Pride in Your City Working Group.


The Chair thanked Paul and Richard for their attendance and input and asked for an update to be provided to the next meeting.


(v) DUNCAN Scheme: Red/Yellow Card


The Forum was advised that the Scheme was still running. Sarah Craig will provide information on numbers to the next meeting. She also reported that they are looking to roll out the Ask for Angela initiative along with Police Scotland. This is an initiative which uses a code word for women who are feeling unsafe while on a date and allows them to seek assistance. Sarah will share information on the initiative with the Forum.


It was acknowledged that previous information provided on the red/yellow Card Scheme was limited and that it would be helpful to launch it again.


(vi) Training and Refresher Scheme


It was reported to the Forum that anyone with a Personal Licence due for renewal by 1st September 2019 must undertake a half day refresher course by the end of May 2019. It was noted that courses are being run by different organisations.


Members of the Forum described their experiences of undertaking training etc and it was acknowledged that there is some confusion about what is actually required. It was reported that a Steering Group is considering requirements with a view to a new refresher course being available later in the year.


It was agreed that Michael and Simon will provide an update to the next meeting. The Chair indicated that if the training is not sufficient the issue would be referred to the Licensing Board.


It was also noted that from 1st September 2018 spent convictions should be declared and from 1st October, 2018, immigration checks will be carried out.




There were no further matters arising.




This item was deferred to the next meeting.




The Licensing Board is obliged to publish a Statement of Licensing Policy every three years. A copy of the consultation document was shared with the Forum. The consultation will run until 2nd November, 2018 with the results being presented to the Licensing Board on 22nd November, 2018.


Following discussion, it was agreed that Morag, David and Sandy would craft a draft response which would be shared with the rest of the Forum for comment before being submitted.




It was reported that this card can be used in relation to the purchase of age restricted products. It was noted that it is the decision of organisations whether they want to accept the card as proof of age. If more organisations accepted the card it would reduce the need for young people to use passports or driving licences as proof of age.


It was acknowledged that there had been security issues with the card in the past but these have now been addressed eg strip on the card is now tamper proof.


It was noted that there is an issue with renewal of photographs that still needs resolved.


Simon will provide feedback to the Young Scot Team.


The Chair suggested that we should start encouraging licensees to accept the cards.




Jonathan expressed his thanks to the Chair for the work done to encourage members to attend the Forum and for the interesting topics on the agenda.


Alcohol Management Plans - Sarah Craig reported that the organisers of events, where alcohol is being served, are now being asked to produce Alcohol Management Plans.




The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th December, 2018 at 2pm and will be a joint meeting with the Licensing Board. Sandy gave apologies for the meeting which will be chaired by Michael.


The Chair stated that at the first meeting of the Forum in the new year a Chair must be elected. Sandy is happy to remain as Chair, however anyone else wishing to be nominated should declare an interest at the December meeting.