Dundee City Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board - 30/03/2018
Members |
Role |
Ken LYNN (Chairperson) |
Nominated by Dundee City Council (Elected Member) |
Doug CROSS (Vice Chairperson) |
Nominated by Health Board (Non-Executive Member) |
Roisin SMITH |
Nominated by Dundee City Council (Elected Member) |
Helen WRIGHT |
Nominated by Dundee City Council (Elected Member) |
Judith GOLDEN |
Nominated by Health Board (Non-Executive Member) |
Munwar HUSSAIN |
Nominated by Health Board (Non-Executve Member) |
David W LYNCH |
Chief Officer |
Dave BERRY |
Chief Finance Officer |
Sarah DICKIE |
Registered Nurse |
Chief Social Work Officer |
Trade Union Representative |
Christine LOWDEN |
Third Sector Representative |
Andrew JACK |
Service User residing in the area of the local authority |
Also in attendance at the request of the Chief Officer:-
Name |
Organisation |
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership |
Arlene HAY |
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership |
Dr David SHAW |
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership |
Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership |
Shona HYMAN |
NHS Tayside |
NHS Tayside |
Jonathon MILNE |
NHS Tayside |
Dr Drew WALKER |
NHS Tayside |
Ken LYNN, Chairperson, in the Chair.
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cesar RODRIGUEZ, Registered Medical Practitioner (not providing primary medical services), Frank WEBER, Registered Medical Practitioner (whose name is included in the list of primary medical performers) and Raymond MARSHALL, Staff Partnership Representative.
No declarations of interest were made.
There was submitted Report No DIJB15-2018 by the Chief Officer seeking approval of the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership Equality Mainstreaming Progress Report 2016-2018 informing the Integration Joint Board of planned work in relation to equalities mainstreaming and outcomes during 2018/19.
The Integration Joint Board agreed:-
(i) to approve the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership Equality Mainstreaming Progress Report 2016-2018 which was attached to the report as Appendix 1;
(ii) to approve the intended approach to publication and dissemination as outlined in Section 4.2.5 of the report;
(iii) to note the planned programme of work for 2018/19 in relation to equalities mainstreaming and outcomes as outlined in Section 4.3 of the report;
(iv) to note that Fairer Scotland Duty, which the Integration Joint Board would be subject to, would come into force on 1st April, 2018 as outlined in Section 4.3.3 of the report; and
(v) to instruct the Chief Officer to submit for approval to the Integration Joint Board a revised set of Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership equality outcomes, co-produced with people with protected characteristics, prior to 31st March, 2019.
There was submitted Report No DIJB16-2018 by the Chief Officer outlining proposals to transform the Lochee Health Centre and seek the support of the Integration Joint Board to proceed to the next phase of the programme.
The Integration Joint Board agreed:-
(i) to note the content of the report and support the development of Lochee Health Centre as described in the report and associated floor plan which was attached to the report as Appendix 1;
(ii) to request that NHS Tayside release the provision made within its Capital Plan for primary care developments of 250k, inclusive of VAT, to enable the required structural changes to be made; and
(iii) to instruct the Chief Officer to take forward the necessary arrangements to deliver the programme of work.
There was submitted Report No DIJB17-2018 by the Chief Finance Officer advising of the implications of the proposed delegated budget for 2018/19 from Dundee City Council and indicative budget from Tayside NHS Board and seeking approval for the range of interventions required to set a balanced budget for Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership for 2018/19.
Thereafter following discussion, Councillor Ken Lynn, seconded by Doug Cross, moved that the Integration Joint Board:-
(i) notes the implications of the proposed delegated budget to Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership from Dundee City Council and indicative delegated budget from Tayside NHS Board for 2018/19;
(ii) notes the implications of the change in the risk sharing agreement as set out within the Integration Scheme and referred to in paragraph 4.1.5 of the report;
(iii) formally adopts the prescribing budget subject to a number of caveats and notes the risks associated with this as set out in paragraph 4.3;
(iv) approves an uplift of 1% for 2018/19 to rolling contractual arrangements with the third sector for the provision of health and social care services as outlined in paragraph 4.9 in addition to required uplifts to implement the Scottish Living Wage and Sleepover payments at the Scottish Living Wage;
(v) approves the extension of service funded by the Integrated Care Fund from June 2018 to March 2019 as set out in paragraph 4.12 and Appendix 3 of the report;
(vi) approves the range of interventions set out in Appendixes 1 and 2 of the report in order to provide a balanced budget;
(vii) approves the delegated budget proposed by Dundee City Council;
(viii) instructs the Chief Finance Officer to report back to the Integration Joint Board following receipt of formal notification from Tayside NHS Board of the budget offer with associated recommendations including any implementations of the finalisation of hosted services budgets and the Large Hospital Set Aside;
(ix) notes the current position in relation to additional Scottish Government funding for Mental Health, Primary Care Transformation and Alcohol and Drug Partnership funding as set out in paragraph 4.7 and instructs the Chief Finance Officer to report back to the Integration Joint Board with the implications of these once determined at a local level;
(x) instructs the Chief Finance Officer to progress the Transformation Efficiency Programme to the next stage in partnership with relevant stakeholders including Trade Union and Staff Side representatives; and
(xi) agrees that in future the Budget should be presented in a spreadsheet form showing income and expenditure for forthcoming and previous years to allow a much clearer understanding of the Integration Joint Boards Budget. Monitoring Reports should also follow this format.
As an amendment, Bailie Helen Wright, seconded by Jim McFarlane, moved that the Integration Joint Board further agrees to 941k from uncommitted reserves to address hospital re-admissions. The aim of this fund would be to address the issues that see too many individuals returning to hospital within 28 days of being discharged. This fund should also look to address the number of admissions caused by trips and falls.
This fund, linked to the availability of our Health & Social Care Workers whose time, if better managed, should help eliminate the service inefficiencies such as non-contact time and in turn help to save the cost of re-admissions.
On a division, there voted for the motion Councillor Ken Lynn, Doug Cross and Councillor Roisin Smith (3); and for the amendment Judith Golden and Bailie Helen Wright (2) Munwar Hussain declining to vote whereupon the motion was declared carried.
As a further amendment Bailie Wright, seconded by Munwar Hussain moved that the Integration Joint Board agree to instruct the Chief Finance Officer to bring back a Report as soon as possible confirming the level of uncommitted reserves at the year-end along with proposals to use these reserves to address hospital re-admissions. The aim of this fund would be to address the issues that see too many individuals returning to hospital within 28 days of being discharged. This fund should also look to address the number of admissions caused by trips and fails.
This fund, linked to the availability of our Health and Social Care Workers whose time, if better managed, should help to eliminate the service inefficiencies such as non-contact time and in turn help to save the cost of re-admissions.
On a division, there voted for the motion Counclllor Ken Lynn, Doug Cross and Councillor Roisin Smith (3); and for the amendment Judith Golden, Munwar Hussain and Bailie Helen Wright (3) there being no majority of votes in favour of the motion or the amendment, the motion, as originally carried, became the finding of the meeting.
The Integration Joint Board noted that the next meeting of the Integration Joint Board would be held in Committee Room 1, 14 City Square, Dundee on Tuesday 24th April, 2018 at 2.00 pm.
Ken LYNN, Chairperson.