Policy And Resources Committee - 09/03/2015
At a MEETING of the POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 9th March, 2015.
Lord Provost Bob DUNCAN
Depute Lord Provost Christina ROBERTS |
Willie SAWERS |
Helen WRIGHT |
Derek J SCOTT |
Stewart HUNTER |
Lesley BRENNAN |
Ken LYNN |
Jimmy BLACK |
David BOWES |
Gregor MURRAY |
Brian GORDON |
Alan G ROSS |
Richard McCREADY |
Kevin KEENAN |
Norma McGOVERN |
Mohammed ASIF |
Laurie BIDWELL |
Councillor Ken GUILD, Convener, in the Chair.
The minute of meeting of this Committee of 12th February, 2015 was held as read.
Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.
Councillors Asif and Cruickshank declared a non-financial interest in Article XXIII by virtue of receiving e-mail correspondence from the applicant.
It was report that this item had been placed before the Committee at the request of Councillor Macpherson.
The Committee agreed to hear a deputation from Mrs Kopel in support and after she had put forward her case and answered questions from members of the Committee, she was thanked for her attendance and withdrew.
Thereafter, the Committee approved the undernoted resolution.
The Policy and Resources Committee notes that, currently, legislation enables personal care to be provided free for people in Scotland aged over 65, provided they are assessed as needing it.
Of the 85,807 dementia sufferers in Scotland, 3,201 are under the age of 65 and therefore not entitled to the help.
The Committee commends the campaign by Mrs Amanda Kopel - "Frank's Law" - to request that the Scottish Government extend free personal care to under-65s with dementia.
The Committee therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the First Minister requesting her to consider the introduction of a 'Frank's Law' so that free personal care is extended to under-65s with dementia.
On a reference to Article III of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 12th February, 2015, there was submitted Agenda Note AN21-2015 reporting that it had since been identified that coinage issues on the existing meters within West Bell Street car park may prevent some of the approved charges being collected efficiently and therefore it was recommended that car parking charges for the West Bell Street car park be retained at their 2014/2015 levels. Any resulting change to the level of car parking income received would be contained within the City Development Department's overall revenue budget.
In addition, it was noted that the charge for cricket and American football had been omitted from the Review of Charges document and therefore it was proposed that this charge be increased from 56.20 in 2014/2015 to 59.00 for 2015/2016.
The Committee approved accordingly.
There was submitted Report No 108-2015 by the Chief Executive relative to the above.
The Committee noted the allocations of the Community Regeneration Fund for 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 and approved the funding proposals contained in Section 5.2 of the report appended hereto (Appendix I).
There was submitted Report No 107-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services providing an analysis of the 2014/2015 Projected Revenue Outturn as at 31st January, 2015 monitored against the adjusted 2014/2015 Revenue Budget.
The Committee:-
(i) noted that the overall General Fund 2014/2015 Projected Revenue Outturn as at 31st January, 2015 was projecting an underspend of 615,000 against the adjusted 2014/2015 Revenue Budget;
(ii) noted that the Housing Revenue Account as at 31st January, 2015 was projecting a breakeven position against the adjusted HRA 2014/2015 Revenue Budget;
(iii) instructed the Director of Corporate Services to take every reasonable action to ensure that the 2014/2015 revenue expenditure was below or in line with the adjusted Revenue Budget; and
(iv) instructed the Director of Corporate Services, in conjunction with all Chief Officers, to continue to monitor the Councils 2014/2015 Projected Revenue Outturn.
There was submitted Report No 88-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services appraising members of the latest position regarding the Council's Capital Expenditure Programme for 2014/2015.
The Committee noted the contents of the report.
There was submitted Report No 105-2015 by the Chief Executive providing further information from the annual survey commissioned by the Council and the Dundee Partnership focusing on the wider social aspects of the survey and highlighting any variations between the results for community regeneration areas and the city as a whole.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the results in the report and agreed that all departments and partnership groups consider any implications arising from it;
(ii) invited each Local Community Planning Partnership to consider the key results for their area which would be sent to chairs and community officers for distribution; and
(iii) authorised publication of the full survey and community regeneration area reports on the Council and Dundee Partnership websites and agreed to make available copies on request.
On a reference to Article X of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 8th September, 2014, there was submitted Report No 41-2015 by the Chief Executive proposing the membership, remit and outline programme and timetable for the Dundee Fairness Commission.
The Committee:-
(i) endorsed the proposed membership and remit of the Dundee Fairness Commission, subject to a place on the Commission being allocated to an elected member from the Opposition;
(ii) endorsed the programme and timetable for the Commission, subject to the final agreement of its members;
(iii) approved the reporting arrangements to the Dundee Partnership and Dundee City Council; and
(iv) instructed the Chief Executive to bring an interim report on progress to the Policy and Resources Committee in September, 2015.
There was submitted Report No 106-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services relative to the above.
Applicant |
Stewart Murdoch Leisure and Culture Dundee Dundee House Floor 5, 50 North Lindsay Street Dundee
Library 71 Lothian Crescent Dundee |
Alison Zerouk Dundee and Angus Adhd Support Group Manhattan Works Unit 15 Dundonald Street Dundee
Office Manhattan Works Unit 15 Dundonald Street Dundee |
Stewart Murdoch Leisure and Culture Dundee Level 3, Central Library The Wellgate Dundee
Leisure Centre Grove Academy 24 Claypotts Road Broughty Ferry Dundee
Stewart Murdoch Leisure and Culture Dundee Level 3, Central Library The Wellgate Dundee |
Leisure Centre St Paul's RC Academy 90 Gillburn Road Dundee |
The Committee approved the recommendations detailed therein.
There was submitted Report No 85-2015 by the Chief Executive advising elected members of the performance of Dundee City Council for the financial year 2013/2014 as defined by the performance indicators compiled by the Improvement Service and, in particular, in relation to other peer local authorities.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the results contained in the report;
(ii) remitted the report to the Scrutiny Committee for further consideration;
(iii) remitted to Chief Officers to continue to seek improvement to the indicators contained in the report;
(iv) authorised officers to publish customised pages of this report on the Councils website to make it widely available; and
(v) authorised the publication of selected excerpts from the report in the Evening Telegraph to ensure exposure to the Councils stakeholders was maximised.
There was submitted Report No 78-2015 by the Head of Information Technology relative to the above.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the IT purchases amounting to 213,721 detailed in appendix 1. This covered the period 1st October, 2014 to 16th February, 2015; and
(ii) noted on-going engineering maintenance costs of 11,790 per annum.
There was submitted Report No 66-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services presenting proposals for the reorganisation of Dundee City Council registered charities.
The Committee:-
(i) approved the proposals for the reorganisation of Dundee City Council registered charities, as set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report;
(ii) instructed the Director of Corporate Services to submit applications to OSCR in order to progress the necessary statutory approvals, including an application to establish a new charity with appropriate charitable purposes, named The Dundee Trust;
(iii) agreed that the new charity named The Dundee Trust should have seven trustees, four from the Administration, two from the Labour Group and one from Bailie Borthwick, Bailie Scott and Councillor Macpherson; and
(iv) noted that the Director of Corporate Services would report to a future meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee on the proposed governance arrangements for the new charity named The Dundee Trust.
On a reference to Article VII of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 21st November, 2014, there was submitted Report No 121-2015 by the Chief Executive relative to the above.
The Committee:-
(i) approved the Dundee Draft Integration Scheme;
(ii) instructed the Chief Executive to forward the Dundee Draft Health and Social Care Integration Scheme to the Scottish Government not later than 31st March, 2015; and
(iii) delegated to the Chief Executive authority to approve on behalf of the Council any necessary changes to the Dundee Draft Health and Social Care Integration Scheme that arise following consideration of the draft by NHS Tayside and the Scottish Government and to report back to Committee on any further changes which were made for information in due course.
There was submitted Report No 90-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services updating the Committee on the actuarial valuation of the Tayside Pension Fund at 31st March, 2014.
The Committee noted the information contained within the report.
There was submitted Report No 91-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services introducing the Dundee City Council Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2015/2016.
The Committee:-
(i) noted that in terms of the Treasury Policy Statement, the Director of Corporate Services was obliged to present the annual Treasury Management Strategy at the start of each financial year; and
(ii) approved the strategy proposed by the Director of Corporate Services for 2015/2016 as set out in the document "Treasury Management Strategy 2015/2016".
There was submitted Report No 84-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services informing elected members of the Revenue Division's counter-fraud activity as at 31st December, 2014.
The Committee approved the counter-fraud performance report.
On a reference to Article V of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 21st April, 2014, there was submitted Report No 126-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services updating members on the UK Government Welfare Reforms and the work being undertaken by the Council to mitigate the risks and prepare individuals for the Welfare Reform changes.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the update on the work streams which had been identified to assist in preparing for the Welfare Reform changes;
(ii) noted the announcement from the DWP on the rollout dates relating to Universal Credit and the transition from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payment (PIP);
(iii) noted the implications in terms of increased debt, potential increases in homelessness and demand for advice services from various organisations and the voluntary sector; and
(iv) noted the update on projects which had been established because of the successful external funding applications.
There was submitted Report No 123-2015 by the Director of City Development advising on the issues regarding a major retaining wall collapse to the rear of properties in Gardner Street and seeking authority for the Council to reinstate the wall and seek recompense from any liable parties.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the circumstances regarding the collapse of the retaining wall at Gardner Street and the impact it was having on adjacent residents;
(ii) agreed that the Council should take the initiative to bring a resolution to the present situation;
(iii) remitted to officers to instruct Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd to carry out the necessary works to reinstate the retaining wall at a total cost of 776,967.20; and
(iv) remitted to officers to then pursue the reimbursement of the Council's costs from any parties found to be liable either in whole or part for the collapse of the retaining wall.
There was submitted Report No 104-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services updating the previously approved Housing Benefit Overpayment Recovery Policy.
The Committee approved the revisions to the Housing Benefit Overpayment Recovery Policy set out in Appendix A of the report, it being noted that the changes with regard to the weekly rates of deductions would come into effect from 1st April, 2015.
Reference was made to Article VII of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 14th January, 2013, wherein it was agreed to allocate 25,000 from the Hospital Fund and Johnston Bequest to pilot a targeted welfare benefit advice service for older people in the city.
There was submitted Agenda Note AN23-2015 indicating that the previous practice had been to award pensioners a lifetime pension of 80 per annum, generating a total of 14,880 income into the pensioner community. By creating a welfare benefits adviser post at a cost of 25,000 per annum, 200,000 to 250,000 additional income in terms of additional benefits and tax credits etc could be generated and injected into the pensioner community.
Reference was also made to Article VII of the minute of meeting this Committee of 8th September, 2014, wherein the Committee agreed to extend the period of the pilot through to 31st March, 2015 at a cost of 12,500 which would be met from available funds in the Hospital Fund and Johnston Bequest, it being noted that a review of the outcomes would be carried out near the end of the extended pilot and a recommendation would be brought to the Committee on whether it should be continued on a long-term basis after that review.
It was proposed that the Older Peoples Advice Service continue for a further financial year from 1st April, 2015 at a cost of 25,000. Lifetime payments to individual pensioners would continue at the current level of 80 per annum. (The estimated cost in 2014/2015 was 10,640).
The Committee approved accordingly.
There was submitted Report No 125-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services seeking to advise the Committee of a proposed approach to the Council's participation in a City Deal as a means to contribute to the funding of future economic infrastructure in the Tayside area.
The Committee:-
(i) remitted to officers to liaise with the neighbouring authorities of Angus, Perth and Kinross and Fife to prepare a bid for a City Deal that would assist in bringing forward key economic infrastructure projects in the Tayside area;
(ii) agreed that the Council allocates 25,000 towards the initial cost of external advisors to work on the City Deal proposed and to facilitate negotiations with government; and
(iii) agreed that an interim Governance structure be established with Dundee's neighbouring authorities and that the Convener of the Policy and Resources and Convener of City Development be nominated to participate in emerging governance arrangements on behalf of the Council.
The Committee resolved under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the undernoted items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 6 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.
After considering Report No 102-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services relative to the above, the Committee approved the recommendations detailed therein.
The Committee heard a deputation from the applicant and after the deputation had stated their case and answered questions, they were thanked for their attendance and withdrew.
On a reference to Article IX of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 8th December, 2014, there was submitted Report No 127-2015 by the Director of Corporate Services relative to the above.
The Committee agreed to defer consideration of this matter and remitted to the Director of Corporate Services to submit a further report to this Committee.
Ken GUILD, Convener.
Applicant |
Description of Project |
Forum Decision Amount |
Hindmarsh Residents' and Tenants' Association |
Provision of floor games for use of disabled, elderly and community users from approximately 600 local households to combat exclusion and loneliness. |
747 |
Nae Limits 60 Plus Association |
To hold a Bygone Years event for those over 60 - especially those living in supported/sheltered accommodation - to aid remembrance of past events through the use of music, dance, photographs, memorabilia and a quiz.
980 |
Grey Lodge Settlement |
To hold four intergenerational activity sessions where young people from the Grey Lodges Mental Health and Wellbeing Group engage with elderly living in Martindale Gardens, benefiting 37 people.
160 |
Maxwell Centre |
To carry out required soil testing within the community garden and arrange for removal of a large metal container from the site.
1,421 |
Douglas Community Centre LMG |
To purchase candy floss and popcorn machines which can be used as fundraisers by local groups during a wide range of community events.
700 |
Douglas Community Centre LMG |
To purchase six new tables for the Bridge Group and other community groups within Douglas Community centre. Approximately 40 people attend the Bridge Group regularly and another 100+ will use the tables regularly.
569 |
Douglas Community Centre LMG |
To purchase a laptop and projector that can be used for film nights, conferences and training sessions within the centre.
1,350 |
Douglas Community Centre LMG |
To install a large screen television in the cafe area of the centre for promoting local events and information via Freeway, displaying presentations, etc.
819 |
Factory Skatepark |
To purchase two computers and furniture for youth room within the factory. Approximately 100 young people will make use of these during the next year.
1,320 |
19th Dundee Girls' Brigade |
To contribute to the transport cost for a day trip and evening show in Glasgow for thirty group members.
773 |
Ferry LCPP |
To print and distribute a newsletter focussing on available welfare advice and other local support. 10,000 copies will be distributed across the Ward.
3,268 |
Charleston Community Centre LMG |
To provide resources for the childrens (5-10) group, including healthy snacks, cookery sessions, stationery, and arts and crafts. The group currently has fourteen members.
156 |
Environment Department |
To enable the repair and repainting of approximately 500m of railings along the Park Avenue side of Baxter Park.
8,497 |
City Development |
To provide funding to replace and repair the bollards along Park Avenue.
2,140 |
Clepington PS Parent Partnership |
To contribute to the creation of a play area at Clepington PS. This will be used by all 500 children attending the school, including enhanced provision classes.
23,377 |
Environment Department |
To implement environmental improvements, identified by community representatives; planting at both Ulverston and St Columba's Sheltered Housing; Play equipment at West March in Kirkton and St Kilda Road Play Park; and public amenities and interpretation boards in Clatto Park.
11,000 |
St Marys Community Church |
To create a community growing space, including raised planters, equipment and plants, that will be accessible to the whole St Marys community.
5,000 |
St Leonard and St Fergus Social Committee |
To replace the soffits around the building. This will ensure that a wide range of community groups that make use of the building can continue to do so.
6,000 |
Kirkton Community Centre LMG |
To refurbish the ground floor reception area and corridor at Kirkton Community Centre. This will make the centre more welcoming and comfortable for all visitors.
4,500 |
Housing Department |
Contribution to the refurbishment of the community lounge at St Columba Gardens sheltered housing. This will make it more attractive and comfortable for residents and visitors.
2,000 |
City Development |
To install two safety barriers at the exits of the Downfield Mains Church Hall. This is adjacent to a busy road and used by a range of local residents, including young children.
1,320 |
North West Youth Team |
To purchase sports and leisure equipment for the use of approximately eighty members of childrens/youth groups in St Marys, Ardler and Kirkton.
1,242 |
Coldside Parish Church |
Funding for rent and utilities costs for delivery of a Revive and Restore cafe. This is run by people in recovery from substance misuse assisted by a range of support agencies.
3,500 |
Maxwell Centre |
To put in place holiday provision for at least 60 P1-P7 children in Coldside during the Spring, Summer and Autumn holidays. Activities will be carried out in the green space, community garden and pavilion.
7,194 |
Leisure and Culture Department |
To provide football and multi sport for approximately 140 children per week who attend the four primary schools and S1 and S2 St Johns High School.
9,269 |
Maxwell Centre |
To fund staffing and resources for educational use of the centres community garden. Over 100 local Primary School pupils will benefit from weekly activities taking place over 11 weeks.
4,560 |
Active Schools |
To provide approximately 290 young people with opportunities to participate in a range of sports within local primary schools.
3,240 |
Factory Skatepark |
To contribute towards a community fun day with approximately 750 local people expected to attend.
1,500 |
Douglas Community Centre LMG |
To contribute towards staffing costs and resources for childrens activities during term time. Approximately 50 children from the Douglas/Craigie areas will benefit throughout the year.
2,000 |
Douglas Community Centre LMG |
To contribute towards staffing costs, equipment and excursions for children during holiday periods. Approximately 60 children from the Douglas/Craigie areas will benefit.
2,387 |
St Ninian's Church |
To contribute towards environmental improvements to the local community church hall that is used by around 320 people each week.
655 |
East Youth Team |
To provide a regular fresh fruit delivery to eight local youth groups/projects to promote healthy eating for approximately 180 young people.
4,756 |
East Youth Team |
To deliver a range of youth diversionary activities within the MidLin area. Approximately 150 young people will benefit from over 1,000 participation opportunities.
14,858 |
Factory Skatepark |
To provide regular youth diversionary activities and a homework club. Approximately 275 young people will benefit throughout the year.
10,793 |
Active Schools |
To provide dance classes at the Craigie Community Sports Hub and gymnastics classes within local primary schools for approximately 100 local pupils throughout the year.
2,408 |
19th Dundee Girls Brigade |
To contribute toward the cost travel for a residential weekend for 20 young people.
147 |
East Youth Team |
To provide a residential, excursions, a band event and activity passes for approximately 250 young people from the Douglas/Craigie areas.
4,194 |
Under 12s Project |
To provide activities for approximately 100 children and their families during the school holiday periods; two weeks at Easter and October, six weeks during Summer, and an event at Christmas.
10,336 |
Leisure & Culture Dundee |
To provide opportunities for over 100 children and young people to access football sessions during lunch breaks and after school.
5,194 |
St Ninian's PS Parent Council |
To fund the introduction of the Playmaker Award to 57 pupils. This is a six week course which helps children to develop leadership skills.
656 |
Community Family Support Project |
To continue delivery of childrens laughter clubs and family clubs in Lochee and Charleston. Approximately 66 people will benefit throughout the year.
17,804 |
West Youth Team |
To enable the youth team to deliver a range of activities for approximately 120 local young people throughout the year.
23,896 |
Leisure & Culture Dundee |
To provide eight football sessions per week for 35 weeks at local primary schools and Menzieshill High for approximately 180 local children/young people.
7,079 |
Adult Learning Team |
To fund the continuation of a series of nine family activity picnics in Baxter Park during Easter, Summer and October holidays for approximately 100 local families.
3,765 |
Showcase the Street |
To provide funding to convert an existing meeting room into an IT suite, including four laptops, software, a printer and security cabinet. Ten volunteers will be supported to deliver sessions to 30 young people disengaged from education, and courses for older people.
1,739 |
Leisure and Culture Dundee |
To provide lunch time and after school provision of Football and Athletics at Glebelands PS and Futsal at Morgan Academy, benefiting approximately 77 pupils.
3,214 |
Education Department |
To enable local School and Family Development Workers to deliver five Fun and Family Feast events. Approximately 200 local people will benefit (at each event) from a range of activities as well as a healthy lunch.
2,160 |
Finmill Community Centre LMG |
To contribute to the running of the Childrens 5-9 Project for 46 local children. The project runs weekly during term time plus four weeks holiday programme across summer and autumn.
3,812 |
Ormiston, Inveresk and Salton Tenants' and Residents' Association |
To fund a Fruit, Veg and Healthy Snacks Initiative for the Ormiston Youth Group. This will provide a weekly healthy snack for approximately 60 local young people that attend the group.
500 |
Whitfield Community Centre LMG |
To fund a range of fun and informational activities and workshops at the annual week-long Whitfest. Approximately 650 young people are expected to participate.
1,650 |
Whitfield Community Centre LMG |
To provide 36 weeks of Arts and Craft classes for approximately 22 local people. Participants include both young people and adults at risk of social exclusion for a variety of reasons.
1,400 |
DCC Adult Learning |
To deliver Im a parent. Get me out of here! for ten local families. This course will help approximately 35 local residents to build confidence and participate in wider activities.
340 |
Ormiston, Inveresk and Salton Tenants' and Residents' Association |
To fund delivery of a range of activities at the Ormiston Youth Club. Approximately sixty local young people will benefit throughout the year.
4,840 |
Community Family Support Project |
To continue delivery of childrens laughter clubs and family clubs in Fintry. Approximately 54 people will benefit throughout the year.
17,804 |
Whitfield Community Centre LMG |
To provide two weeks of holiday provision during the Summer and one week in each of the Easter and Autumn holidays. Approximately 250 local children under 12 will benefit.
1,770 |
Whitfield Community Centre LMG |
To provide 40 weeks of term time provision for up to 125 local under 12s and their families. Activities will include sports, arts, healthy eating and environmental activities. In addition, four disco nights will be held.
4,164 |
Mill OMains Pavilion |
To provide a range of youth diversionary activities for approximately 35 local children and young people throughout the year.
10,310 |
Active Schools |
To provide a range of free extra curricular sport and physical activities in the Strathmartine area. Approximately 380 children from the six local primary schools will benefit throughout the year.
6,150 |
Leisure and Culture Dundee |
To provide a range of weekly sport and physical activities for approximately 200 children and young people throughout the year.
11,180 |
North CLD Youth Team |
To maintain the current level of additional youth work support in the Strathmartine Ward. Approximately 60 young people will benefit from the two weekly groups throughout the year.
7,585 |
North CLD Youth Team |
To fund two Blast Off Employability Programmes within Baldragon Academy and the Ardler Complex. Approximately 130 young people will benefit across the year.
12,560 |
St Pauls Academy |
To contribute towards equipment costs for a range of lunchtime and after school sports clubs. Approximately 190 pupils will benefit each year from the activities that will use the equipment.
5,453 |
The Attic |
To contribute to the transport and activity costs of running an Easter Kids Camp at the Jock Neish Centre. 24 young people will benefit from the activity.
1,285 |