Complaints Review Committee - 06/12/2013
At a MEETING of the COMPLAINTS REVIEW COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 6th December, 2013.
Mr Thomas W TAIT |
Depute Lord Provost Christina ROBERTS |
Councillor Norma McGOVERN |
Mr Thomas TAIT, Chairperson, in the Chair.
Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.
It was reported that in accordance with the Council's Scheme of Delegation to Officers, the Chief Executive had appointed Mr Thomas Tait, Chairperson of the Complaints Review Committee.
The Committee noted accordingly.
The Committee resolved under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the undernoted items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3, 5 and 7 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.
There were no declarations of interest.
The Committee considered a complaint which had been made by an agent on behalf of the Complainant requesting a review in relation to the actions taken by the Social Work Department. The Committee gave consideration to written submissions on behalf of the Complainant and on behalf of the Social Work Department including correspondence, copies of which had been circulated.
The Committee also heard oral representations by the Complainant, an agent on behalf of the Complainant and the representative of the Social Work Department.
Having considered the complaints, reviewed the correspondence and written submissions before them and having regard to the oral representations, the Complaints Review Committee agreed that the Social Work Department criteria for the provision of Equipment and Adoptions was applied correctly in this case and therefore the complaint be not upheld. However, the Committee expressed the view that with the assistance of the Social Work Department, the Complainant be encouraged to explore and trial alternative bathing equipment.
Thomas TAIT, Chairperson.