Policy And Resources Committee - 11/06/2012
At a MEETING of the POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 11th June, 2012.
Lord Provost Bob DUNCAN
Depute Lord Provost Christina ROBERTS |
Willie SAWERS |
Helen WRIGHT |
Derek J SCOTT |
Stewart HUNTER |
Lesley BRENNAN |
Ken LYNN |
Jimmy BLACK |
David BOWES |
Brian GORDON |
Gregor MURRAY |
Richard McCREADY |
Kevin KEENAN |
Mohammed ASIF |
Laurie BIDWELL |
Councillor Ken GUILD, Convener, in the Chair.
The minute of meeting of this Committee of 23rd April, 2012 was held as read.
Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.
There was submitted Report No 222-2012 by the Director of Corporate Services seeking authorisation to grant charity relief on the undernoted non-domestic properties:-
Applicant |
Insight Counselling Base and Ground 15 South Tay Street DUNDEE
Office, Base and Ground 15 South Tay Street DUNDEE |
Insight Counselling Base and Ground 15 South Tay Street DUNDEE
Office, Basement 15 South Tay Street DUNDEE |
Gowrie Care Ltd 1 Explorer Road DUNDEE |
Office 29B David Street Broughty Ferry DUNDEE
T.F.C.R Ltd, t/a Tayside Recyclers Units 1 & 2 South Dudhope Mill Douglas Street DUNDEE
Workshop Unit 6 83 Douglas Street DUNDEE |
The Committee approved accordingly.
Councillor Hunter declared a non-financial interest in this item by virtue of being the Council's representative on the Ardler Village Trust.
Lord Provost Duncan and Councillor Hunter declared a non-financial interest in this item by virtue of being members of Camperdown Parish Church.
There was submitted Report No 225-2012 by the Chief Executive relative to the above.
The Committee approved the funding process and proposals contained in Section 5.2 of the report appended hereto. (Appendix I).
Depute Lord Provost Roberts declared a non-financial interest in this item by virtue of being the Council's representative on SOLAR Cities Scotland.
There was submitted Report No 179-2012 by the Chief Executive recommending the award of funding of up to 30,000 to enable Solar Cities Scotland to continue to progress an application for further funding from Keep Scotland Beautiful in conjunction with other funding applications. It would also ensure the delivery of the annual conference on 15th June, 2012.
In view of the timescales involved, it was noted that this report had been approved by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Convener and Spokespersons from the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats and was therefore submitted for information and record purposes.
Councillor Macpherson declared a non-financial interest in this matter by virtue of his brother being a Police Officer involved in this project.
On a reference to Article XI of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 23rd January, 2012, there was submitted Report No 175-2012 by the Chief Executive recommending the trialling of new arrangements for local scrutiny and engagement with the Police as part of a pathfinder project in preparation for the establishment of a Scottish Police Service.
The Committee:-
(i) noted that Dundee had been accepted as a pathfinder to trial new local scrutiny and engagement arrangements with the Police in preparation for the establishment of a Scottish Police Service;
(ii) agreed that, as part of the pathfinder project, the remit of the Policy and Resources Committee should be extended to include approval of the Local Policing Plan and scrutiny of Police performance reports, with additional quarterly meetings of the Committee being arranged to allow sufficient time for discussion;
(iii) noted that the local Police Commander would brief members on a strategic assessment, consult with members on a draft Local Policing Plan, provide reports on the force's performance for the scrutiny of members, and formally submit the Local Policing Plan for approval, in line with the provisional timetable set out in paragraph 5.9 of the report; and
(iv) remitted to the Chief Executive to bring forward a report evaluating Dundee's pathfinder, and the outcome of pathfinders in other areas, to inform a decision on the longer-term structures for scrutiny and engagement with both the Police and Fire and Rescue services.
There was submitted Agenda Note AN85-2012 intimating that the Council's Recess commenced on 30th June, 2012 and ended on 11th August, 2012.
To facilitate the smooth, continuous conduct of the Council's business, it was proposed that a Recess Sub-Committee of the Council be set up to deal with matters of an urgent nature which the Chief Executive or Head of Democratic and Legal Services believed could not wait for the next ordinary meeting of the Committee concerned during that period. The Committee approved the undernoted operating arrangements:-
(i) Membership - 4 members of the Administration, 2 members of the Labour Group and Bailie Borthwick.
(ii) Chair - Leader of the Administration or nominee.
(iii) Substitutes - in terms of Standing Order No 45(3) it shall be competent for substitutions to be intimated and effected for individual meetings.
(iv) Quorum - 3 members.
(v) Dates - to be arranged on a Monday, when required.
(vi) Remit - to deal with any urgent business arising during the recess period.
(vii) Power - full delegated powers to deal with business laid before it.
There was submitted Report No 206-2012 by the Director of Corporate Services providing elected members with an update on the Assurance and Improvement Plan 2012/2015 that was recently issued by Audit Scotland on behalf of the various regulatory bodies responsible for scrutinising the services provided by the Council.
The Committee noted the information contained within the report and the Assurance and Improvement Plan Update 2012/2015 appended thereto.
There was submitted Report No 205-2012 by the Director of Corporate Services providing elected members with a summary of the above national study that had been undertaken by Audit Scotland on behalf of the Accounts Commission.
The Committee noted the key findings arising from this national study, including Appendix 1 to the report, which identified key areas for both new and returning elected members to consider and assess where further action points may be required.
There was submitted Report No 193-2012 by the Head of Information Technology relative to the above.
The Committee noted the IT purchases amounting to 696,886 for the period 1st October, 2011 to 18th May, 2012 and approved ongoing engineering maintenance costs of 38,997 per annum.
There was submitted Report No 209-2012 by the Director of Corporate Services informing elected members on the Revenue Division's Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Counter-Fraud activity as at 31st March, 2012.
The Committee approved the performance report.
After considering Report No 208-2012 by the Director of Corporate Services relative to the above, the Committee approved the revised the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy and the Benefit Sanction Policy.
There was submitted Report No 186-2012 by the Director, Leisure and Communities detailing the work undertaken in developing a Dundee E-Safety Strategy and Action Plan 2012/2015 linked to the Child Protection Inspection in February, 2012.
The Committee:-
(i) approved the Dundee Strategy for the Safe Use of Electronic Communications (E‑Safety Strategy) and Action Plan 2012/2015;
(ii) agreed that the Dundee Community Safety Partnership lead the implementation of E‑Safety Strategy and Action Plan;
(iii) confirmed the Community Safety Manager as Dundee City Council's E-Safety Lead Officer;
(iv) agreed to the formation of a Dundee E-Safety Group comprising representatives from Dundee City Council and its partner agencies; and
(v) referred the report to the Dundee Partnership Management Group for their endorsement.
Councillor Hunter declared a non-financial interest in this item by virtue of being a member of Ardler Village Trust.
There was submitted Report No 190-2012 by the Director, Leisure and Communities seeking approval of the payment of administrative grants for the financial year 2012/2013 to Community Councils and Neighbourhood Representatives Structures in existence or established during the year.
The Committee agreed that:-
(i) administrative grants be awarded to all Community Councils currently in existence or established during 2012/2013 in accordance with the Council's Revised Scheme for the Operation of Community Councils;
(ii) administration grants be also awarded to other Neighbourhood Representative Structures which meet the eligibility criteria set out in Committee Report No 725-2002;
(iii) grants be awarded according to the following formulae: a lump sum of 330 per community council/neighbourhood representative structure plus 1.2p per resident in each area; and
(iv) community councils or neighbourhood representative structures established beyond 1st April, 2012 would only be eligible for a grant for the part of the year from their inception.
There was submitted Report No 192-2012 by the Director, Leisure and Communities providing information on the impact of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Dundee Community Safety Partnership and Tayside Police. The report also highlighted an area of weakness in performance in relation to the DUNCAN initiative which had been addressed and would be subject to ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the contents of the SLA monitoring report for the period 2011/2012, including the areas of high performance which had had a positive impact on local communities and the area of concern around the DUNCAN initiative; and
(ii) agreed to a review of the DUNCAN initiative process, inputs and outputs and a further period of monitoring and evaluation.
There was submitted Report No 198-2012 by the Director, Leisure and Communities providing a briefing on the options for the future use of Camperdown House.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the options for the future strategy of Camperdown House;
(ii) instructed the Directors of City Development and Leisure and Communities to collaborate in market testing commercial interest in Camperdown house being used in whole or part as one or a combination of the following: restaurant, boutique hotel and commercial gallery;
(iii) instructed the Director, Leisure and Communities to consult more widely with other partners to establish their interest in the future operation of Camperdown House; and
(iv) noted that a further report would be brought back to Committee in order to seek approval for the final preferred option and way forward.
On a reference to Article XIX of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 31st October, 2012, there was submitted Report No 223-2012 by the Chief Executive informing the Committee of the outcome of the recent inspection of child protection services and seeking the Committee's direction in respect of ongoing improvements.
The Committee:-
(i) noted the contents of the report published by the Care Inspectorate;
(ii) directed the Chief Executive to work alongside his fellow Chief Officers from NHS Tayside and Tayside Police, to oversee and review the Child Care and Protection Committee's ongoing development and implementation of improvement plans that incorporate key learning points from the Care Inspectorate's report; and
(iii) approved the proposal that the Best Value Review of Child Protection became part of the wider Best Value Review of Children's Services.
It has been agreed that the Items XVI and XVII be considered as a matter or urgency in terms of Standing Order No 17(b) in view of the timescales involved.
There was submitted Report No 237-2012 by the Chief Executive providing a number of promotional swimming opportunities for families and young people who attended primary school in the Lochee Ward during the 2012 school summer holidays.
The Committee approved the Summer Swimming Pilot project for families and young people in the Lochee Ward.
It was reported that the Annual Conference of the Association of Directors of Social Work would be held in Crieff on 20th June and 21st June, 2012 with the theme "innovation, integration and transformation".
Councillor Guild, seconded by Councillor Hunter, moved that the Convener of Social Work and Health and the Shadow Convener of Social Work and Health be authorised to attend at a cost of 395 per delegate, excluding travel and subsistence.
As an amendment, Bailie Scott, seconded by Councillor Macpherson, moved that no elected member be authorised to attend.
On a division, there voted for the motion - Councillors Guild, Alexander, Black, Bowes, Campbell, Cordell, Dawson, Hunter, Lynn, McDonald, Melville, Murray, Keenan, Asif, Bidwell, Brennan, Cruickshank, Ferguson, Gordon, McCready, McGovern, Bailies Sawers and Wright and Depute Lord Provost Roberts (24); and for the amendment - Bailies Borthwick and Scott and Councillor Macpherson (3) - Lord Provost Duncan being absent when the vote was taken - whereupon the motion was declared carried.
The Committee resolved under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the undernoted item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.
After considering Agenda Note AN86-2012 relative to the above, the Committee noted that in view of the timescales involved, the recommendations detailed therein had been approved by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Convener and Spokespersons from the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats and was submitted for information and record purposes.
The Committee noted accordingly.
Ken GUILD, Convener.
To replace the existing pool table at the youth club attended by approximately 40 local young people.
To run three 10 week courses on practical cooking skills for 30 women engaged through Dundee Women's Aid in association with Dundee Healthy Living Initiative.
Applicant |
Description of Project |
Forum Decision Amount |
Coldside Community Forum |
To hold a festival/fun day in Hilltown Park for over 400 people of all ages on the 28th July.
4,767 |
Active Schools, Education Department |
For a week long summer programme consisting of mountain biking, tennis, golf, family fun days and multi‑sports camps all held in local schools, for a minimum of 40 local young people.
850 |
Creative Learning Team, Education Department |
To fund a day trip for 22 Rosebank PS pupils and 10 parent helpers to Pictavia by Brechin. A knotwork artist will also work with the children to produce designs which will be printed on clothing for participants and on a school banner. An end of project exhibition will be held in the Verdant Works.
1,680 |
Central Youth Work Team, Communities and Policy |
To provide additional diversionary activities during the school summer holidays for 35 young people between 10-16 who attend Project Monday and girls youth groups.
1,197 |
Boomerang OOSC |
To contribute toward a holiday activity programme for approximately 29 children attending the Out of School Club.
2,437 |
Fairfield Sports and Leisure Club |
To purchase eight sets of portable goals that will be used by approximately 150 children and young people.
964 |
Craigie Community Sports Hub |
To contribute towards cost of community fun-day, for 700 people, launching the new Community Sports Hub. Event will include a football tournament and various sporting displays as well as family activities and stalls.
900 |
Active Schools, Education Department |
For a week long summer programme consisting of mountain biking, tennis, golf, family fun days and multi‑sports camps all held in local schools, for a minimum of 40 local young people.
600 |
Lochee Local History Group |
To set up a Lochee Local Studies section in partnership with Lochee Library and to purchase various equipment for use by the group.
1,529 |
Tayside Police |
To purchase a range of materials to promote the police's non-emergency number and other methods of contact. These materials will be distributed at community events and schools.
2,000 |
HUB Youth Club | ||
Dundee Women's Aid | ||
To contribute to a local fun day during which the community centre will host a variety of activities that people in the community have asked for. Approximately 700 people are expected to take part.
To purchase 400 Aquafit tickets from Leisure and Culture Dundee which will subsidise sixty or more people from the local regeneration area to attend these classes.
Applicant |
Description of Project |
Forum Decision Amount |
Ancrum Plus |
To cover running costs for the group for the year, plus involvement in the Festival of Lochee Life, family picnics and a family pantomime. Group has 12 regular members (plus children), all parents and/or carers.
3,130 |
Festival of Lochee Life Group |
To enable citizens of Lochee and surrounding area to hold a fun day event in the local community. Approximately 1,000 people are expected to take part.
2,444 |
Active Schools Education Department |
For a week long summer programme consisting of mountain biking, tennis, golf, family fun days and multi‑sports camps all held in local schools, for a minimum of 40 local young people.
850 |
Menzieshill Community Centre LMG | ||
Dundee Healthy Living Initiative | ||
City Development |
To provide handrails at Dryburgh Gardens Sheltered Housing and Camperdown Parish Church, reducing the likelihood of slips/falls and so improving community safety.
2,498 |
HUB Youth Club |
To contribute towards travel costs for a group trip for 40 young people to M&D's theme park.
375 |
Dundee Museum of Transport Trust |
To purchase materials for, and to extend, marketing and outreach activities including a banner for the recently purchased exhibition caravan promoting the museum.
1,300 |
Stobswell Events Group |
To support a community festival in Baxter Park that brings together local people with agencies working in the area. Approximately 2,000 people are expected to take part.
3,381 |
Stobswell Forum |
To fund half the costs for 26 hanging baskets in various locations in Stobswell and employ local social enterprise, the Clean Close Company, to carry out the twice a week watering for three months.
1,003 |
Active Schools Education Department |
For a week long summer programme consisting of mountain biking, tennis, golf, family fun days and multi‑sports camps all held in local schools, for a minimum of 40 local young people.
850 |
Finmill LMG |
To hold a community event to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, including creative workshops and a themed indoor street party for approximately 60 people.
604 |
Applicant |
Description of Project |
Forum Decision Amount |
Mill O'Mains Tenants' and Residents' Association |
To engage an environmental artist for 180 hours over the year to engage with approximately 350 people and develop small scale environmental art projects.
4,750 |
Mill O'Mains Pavilion |
To hold a summer fun day including festival rides and entertainment for approximately 450 local people.
1,446 |
Finmill LMG |
To enable the Fintry Gala to be held with fun activities for children and information stalls for adults. approximately 1,000 people are expected to take part.
1,550 |
Mill O'Mains Pavilion |
To provide two family trips for approximately 120 people/ 24 family units to Blair Drummond Safari Park and Aberdeen/Codonas.
1,079 |
Active Schools Education Department |
For a week long summer programme consisting of mountain biking, tennis, golf, family fun days and multi‑sports camps all held in local schools, for a minimum of 40 local young people.
850 |
St Mary's Over 55's Group |
To provide transportation costs for an evening coach trip to Arbroath for 33 older people.
200 |
Bluebells St Mary's |
To pay for coach hire for a trip to Braemar Games for approximately 33 older people.
355 |
Kirkton Beat |
To replace drumming equipment for the group which has approximately 15 children and young people attending each week and also performs at galas and festivals.
1,000 |
Young at Heart |
To pay for transport costs for a trip to the Burns Cottage in Ayrshire for approximately 33 older people.
415 |
Kirkton Community Centre LMG |
To provide three weeks of summer activities for 60 young people, including various sport, cultural, arts and crafts, environmental, and healthy eating workshops plus a trip each week.
2,500 |
Baldragon Academy |
Refurbishment of the kitchen area used by pupil support workers for the break-time drop-in to provide toast and a drink for approximately 120 young people each day. Around 300 young people use the facility in total.
1,000 |
Kirkton Newsletter Group |
To fund the continuation of the newsletter which aims to keep approximately 3,000 residents of Kirkton informed of events, ongoing activities and developments in the area.
360 |
Sidlaw View Primary School |
To provide equipment for the boys football team to enable them participate in the school primary league. Approximately 20 boys will participate in the team each year. |
530 |
Applicant |
Description of Project |
Forum Decision Amount |
Kirkton Sheltered Housing |
To provide transportation costs for two trips for 40 older people, to St Andrews/Glenrothes and Livingstone/ McArthur Glen.
715 |
Ardler Village Trust |
To contribute to the cost of producing, printing and delivering four editions of the Ardler Village News to 1,200 households.
1,200 |
The Attic |
To enable three weeks of special summer events for over 100+ young people and a one week residential summer camp for 30 young people to be delivered.
2,036 |
St Mary's Fun Day Planning Group |
To provide core costs for the St Mary's Fun Day 2012. Approximately 500 people are expected to take part.
1,424 |
Kirkton Digital Photography Group |
To purchase ink and paper so the group is able to continue to produce images for exhibitions and displays. Benefits 11 group members plus the wider community that visit exhibitions.
514 |
St Mary's Community Facility Children's Group |
To give 25 local children the chance to go out of St Mary's and enjoy three educational and recreational trips in and around Dundee.
410 |
Active Schools Education Department |
For a week long summer programme consisting of mountain biking, tennis, golf, family fun days and multi‑sports camps all held in local schools, for a minimum of 40 local young people.
600 |
Chuckle Club |
To provide transportation costs for 30 older people to visit Loch Katrine.
265 |
Young at Heart |
To provide transportation costs for a trip to the Highland Heritage Centre in Newtownmore for 33 older people.
305 |
Parents for Craigowl |
To install further fixed physical play equipment into the nursery/early years playground at Craigowl PS, benefiting approximately 258 children (plus future pupils).
4,965 |
The Attic - Clanz Youth Group |
To enable an art project with approximately 30 young people, incorporating sign making and a shop front overhaul for 2-6 Beauly Avenue.
1,260 |
The Attic |
To enable internal refurbishment of 2-6 Beauly Avenue including IT equipment and office, kitchen and meeting room furniture. Premises is expected to be regularly used by 60-70 children, 30+ teens and other community members.
2,339 |