Planning Committee (including Former Development Management And Development Quality) - 12/06/2006
At a MEETING of the DEVELOPMENT QUALITY COMMITTEE held at Dundee on 12th June, 2006.
Lord Provost John R LETFORD |
Jill SHIMI |
Kevin KEENAN |
Roderick A J WALLACE |
Andrew DAWSON |
Charles A WEBSTER |
Nigel DON |
Willie W SAWERS |
Derek J SCOTT |
Christina ROBERTS |
Councillor Rod Wallace, Convener, in the Chair.
The minute of meeting of this Committee of 22nd May, 2006 was held as read.
Unless marked thus * all items stand delegated.
The Committee resolved under Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland Act 1973 that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the undernoted item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as detailed in Paragraphs 1, 12 and 13 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.
On a reference to Article IV of the minute of meeting of this Committee of 22nd May, 2006, there was submitted an advice note by the Director of Planning and Transportation providing detailed advice on the options available to the Committee.
The Convener, seconded by Councillor Don, moved that the Committee accept the Director of Planning and Transportation's recommendation to endorse the previous approval of non-material amendments under delegated powers.
As an amendment, Councillor Macpherson, seconded by Councillor Shimi, moved that the Committee resolve to make an Order under Section 71 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 on the grounds that:-
"Having regard to Policies 1 and 14 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 and to all other material considerations, the Committee considers it is expedient in the interests of the proper planning of its area that the velux rooflights and windows of the proposed double garage at 6 Glamis Terrace, Dundee (Ref 03/00229/FUL) be removed and that the roof and walls be completed using the finishing materials proposed in the application for planning consent which was approved by the Committee on 30th June, 2003 (Article VII(b) of the minute of meeting refers) and that these works be completed within 28 days as these velux rooflights and windows have substantially affected the amenity of neighbouring occupiers because there is a real likelihood of overlooking and loss of privacy."
On a division, there voted for the motion - the Convener, Councillors Keenan, Beattie, Sawers, Will Dawson, Webster and Scott (7); and for the amendment - Lord Provost Letford, Bailies Powrie and Borthwick and Councillors Shimi, Macpherson, Don, Duncan, Andrew Dawson and Roberts (9) - whereupon the amendment was declared carried.
ROD WALLACE, Convener.